The Splide JS is a lightweight, powerful and flexible JavaScript slider plugin that helps you to create multi item carousel. It comes with built-in touch support and accessibility ready features to render a powerful slider in HTML DOM.
How to Create Multi Item Carousel JavaScript
1. First of all, create a div element with a unique id and class name “splide”. Similarly, create another div element inside it with a class name “slide__track”, define ul tag inside it with a class name “splide__list”. Inside the list, place your images as follows:
<div id="splide" class="splide"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <li class="splide__slide"><img src=""></li> <li class="splide__slide"><img src=""></li> <li class="splide__slide"><img src=""></li> <li class="splide__slide"><img src=""></li> </ul> </div> </div>
2. Now, add the following CSS styles for the slider.
.splide { padding: 20px 0; } .splide__slide img { display: block; width: 100%; border-radius: 8px; transition: transform 400ms; transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: center center; } img { transform: scale(1); } .splide .splide__arrow { top: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; transform: none; border-radius: unset; width: 50px; opacity: 0.9; } .splide .splide__arrow svg { filter: invert(1); width: 24px; height: 24px; } .splide__arrow.splide__arrow--prev { left: 0; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); } .splide__arrow.splide__arrow--next { right: 0; background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); } body { margin: 0; background-color: black; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-family: Arial; } a { color: #fff; padding: 4px 8px; } section { max-width: 700px; margin: 0 auto; } .left { text-align: left; }
3. Finally, add the following JavaScript splide JS function and done.
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false }); return Constructor; } /*! * Splide.js * Version : 4.1.4 * License : MIT * Copyright: 2022 Naotoshi Fujita */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.Splide = factory()); })(this, function () { 'use strict'; var MEDIA_PREFERS_REDUCED_MOTION = "(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)"; var CREATED = 1; var MOUNTED = 2; var IDLE = 3; var MOVING = 4; var SCROLLING = 5; var DRAGGING = 6; var DESTROYED = 7; var STATES = { CREATED: CREATED, MOUNTED: MOUNTED, IDLE: IDLE, MOVING: MOVING, SCROLLING: SCROLLING, DRAGGING: DRAGGING, DESTROYED: DESTROYED }; function empty(array) { array.length = 0; } function slice(arrayLike, start, end) { return, start, end); } function apply(func) { return func.bind.apply(func, [null].concat(slice(arguments, 1))); } var nextTick = setTimeout; var noop = function noop() {}; function raf(func) { return requestAnimationFrame(func); } function typeOf(type, subject) { return typeof subject === type; } function isObject(subject) { return !isNull(subject) && typeOf("object", subject); } var isArray = Array.isArray; var isFunction = apply(typeOf, "function"); var isString = apply(typeOf, "string"); var isUndefined = apply(typeOf, "undefined"); function isNull(subject) { return subject === null; } function isHTMLElement(subject) { try { return subject instanceof (subject.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).HTMLElement; } catch (e) { return false; } } function toArray(value) { return isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } function forEach(values, iteratee) { toArray(values).forEach(iteratee); } function includes(array, value) { return array.indexOf(value) > -1; } function push(array, items) { array.push.apply(array, toArray(items)); return array; } function toggleClass(elm, classes, add) { if (elm) { forEach(classes, function (name) { if (name) { elm.classList[add ? "add" : "remove"](name); } }); } } function addClass(elm, classes) { toggleClass(elm, isString(classes) ? classes.split(" ") : classes, true); } function append(parent, children) { forEach(children, parent.appendChild.bind(parent)); } function before(nodes, ref) { forEach(nodes, function (node) { var parent = (ref || node).parentNode; if (parent) { parent.insertBefore(node, ref); } }); } function matches(elm, selector) { return isHTMLElement(elm) && (elm["msMatchesSelector"] || elm.matches).call(elm, selector); } function children(parent, selector) { var children2 = parent ? slice(parent.children) : []; return selector ? children2.filter(function (child) { return matches(child, selector); }) : children2; } function child(parent, selector) { return selector ? children(parent, selector)[0] : parent.firstElementChild; } var ownKeys = Object.keys; function forOwn(object, iteratee, right) { if (object) { (right ? ownKeys(object).reverse() : ownKeys(object)).forEach(function (key) { key !== "__proto__" && iteratee(object[key], key); }); } return object; } function assign(object) { slice(arguments, 1).forEach(function (source) { forOwn(source, function (value, key) { object[key] = source[key]; }); }); return object; } function merge(object) { slice(arguments, 1).forEach(function (source) { forOwn(source, function (value, key) { if (isArray(value)) { object[key] = value.slice(); } else if (isObject(value)) { object[key] = merge({}, isObject(object[key]) ? object[key] : {}, value); } else { object[key] = value; } }); }); return object; } function omit(object, keys) { forEach(keys || ownKeys(object), function (key) { delete object[key]; }); } function removeAttribute(elms, attrs) { forEach(elms, function (elm) { forEach(attrs, function (attr) { elm && elm.removeAttribute(attr); }); }); } function setAttribute(elms, attrs, value) { if (isObject(attrs)) { forOwn(attrs, function (value2, name) { setAttribute(elms, name, value2); }); } else { forEach(elms, function (elm) { isNull(value) || value === "" ? removeAttribute(elm, attrs) : elm.setAttribute(attrs, String(value)); }); } } function create(tag, attrs, parent) { var elm = document.createElement(tag); if (attrs) { isString(attrs) ? addClass(elm, attrs) : setAttribute(elm, attrs); } parent && append(parent, elm); return elm; } function style(elm, prop, value) { if (isUndefined(value)) { return getComputedStyle(elm)[prop]; } if (!isNull(value)) {[prop] = "" + value; } } function display(elm, display2) { style(elm, "display", display2); } function focus(elm) { elm["setActive"] && elm["setActive"]() || elm.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } function getAttribute(elm, attr) { return elm.getAttribute(attr); } function hasClass(elm, className) { return elm && elm.classList.contains(className); } function rect(target) { return target.getBoundingClientRect(); } function remove(nodes) { forEach(nodes, function (node) { if (node && node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }); } function parseHtml(html) { return child(new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html").body); } function prevent(e, stopPropagation) { e.preventDefault(); if (stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } function query(parent, selector) { return parent && parent.querySelector(selector); } function queryAll(parent, selector) { return selector ? slice(parent.querySelectorAll(selector)) : []; } function removeClass(elm, classes) { toggleClass(elm, classes, false); } function timeOf(e) { return e.timeStamp; } function unit(value) { return isString(value) ? value : value ? value + "px" : ""; } var PROJECT_CODE = "splide"; var DATA_ATTRIBUTE = "data-" + PROJECT_CODE; function assert(condition, message) { if (!condition) { throw new Error("[" + PROJECT_CODE + "] " + (message || "")); } } var min = Math.min, max = Math.max, floor = Math.floor, ceil = Math.ceil, abs = Math.abs; function approximatelyEqual(x, y, epsilon) { return abs(x - y) < epsilon; } function between(number, x, y, exclusive) { var minimum = min(x, y); var maximum = max(x, y); return exclusive ? minimum < number && number < maximum : minimum <= number && number <= maximum; } function clamp(number, x, y) { var minimum = min(x, y); var maximum = max(x, y); return min(max(minimum, number), maximum); } function sign(x) { return +(x > 0) - +(x < 0); } function format(string, replacements) { forEach(replacements, function (replacement) { string = string.replace("%s", "" + replacement); }); return string; } function pad(number) { return number < 10 ? "0" + number : "" + number; } var ids = {}; function uniqueId(prefix) { return "" + prefix + pad(ids[prefix] = (ids[prefix] || 0) + 1); } function EventBinder() { var listeners = []; function bind(targets, events, callback, options) { forEachEvent(targets, events, function (target, event, namespace) { var isEventTarget = ("addEventListener" in target); var remover = isEventTarget ? target.removeEventListener.bind(target, event, callback, options) : target["removeListener"].bind(target, callback); isEventTarget ? target.addEventListener(event, callback, options) : target["addListener"](callback); listeners.push([target, event, namespace, callback, remover]); }); } function unbind(targets, events, callback) { forEachEvent(targets, events, function (target, event, namespace) { listeners = listeners.filter(function (listener) { if (listener[0] === target && listener[1] === event && listener[2] === namespace && (!callback || listener[3] === callback)) { listener[4](); return false; } return true; }); }); } function dispatch(target, type, detail) { var e; var bubbles = true; if (typeof CustomEvent === "function") { e = new CustomEvent(type, { bubbles: bubbles, detail: detail }); } else { e = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); e.initCustomEvent(type, bubbles, false, detail); } target.dispatchEvent(e); return e; } function forEachEvent(targets, events, iteratee) { forEach(targets, function (target) { target && forEach(events, function (events2) { events2.split(" ").forEach(function (eventNS) { var fragment = eventNS.split("."); iteratee(target, fragment[0], fragment[1]); }); }); }); } function destroy() { listeners.forEach(function (data) { data[4](); }); empty(listeners); } return { bind: bind, unbind: unbind, dispatch: dispatch, destroy: destroy }; } var EVENT_MOUNTED = "mounted"; var EVENT_READY = "ready"; var EVENT_MOVE = "move"; var EVENT_MOVED = "moved"; var EVENT_CLICK = "click"; var EVENT_ACTIVE = "active"; var EVENT_INACTIVE = "inactive"; var EVENT_VISIBLE = "visible"; var EVENT_HIDDEN = "hidden"; var EVENT_REFRESH = "refresh"; var EVENT_UPDATED = "updated"; var EVENT_RESIZE = "resize"; var EVENT_RESIZED = "resized"; var EVENT_DRAG = "drag"; var EVENT_DRAGGING = "dragging"; var EVENT_DRAGGED = "dragged"; var EVENT_SCROLL = "scroll"; var EVENT_SCROLLED = "scrolled"; var EVENT_OVERFLOW = "overflow"; var EVENT_DESTROY = "destroy"; var EVENT_ARROWS_MOUNTED = "arrows:mounted"; var EVENT_ARROWS_UPDATED = "arrows:updated"; var EVENT_PAGINATION_MOUNTED = "pagination:mounted"; var EVENT_PAGINATION_UPDATED = "pagination:updated"; var EVENT_NAVIGATION_MOUNTED = "navigation:mounted"; var EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PLAY = "autoplay:play"; var EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PLAYING = "autoplay:playing"; var EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PAUSE = "autoplay:pause"; var EVENT_LAZYLOAD_LOADED = "lazyload:loaded"; var EVENT_SLIDE_KEYDOWN = "sk"; var EVENT_SHIFTED = "sh"; var EVENT_END_INDEX_CHANGED = "ei"; function EventInterface(Splide2) { var bus = Splide2 ? Splide2.event.bus : document.createDocumentFragment(); var binder = EventBinder(); function on(events, callback) { binder.bind(bus, toArray(events).join(" "), function (e) { callback.apply(callback, isArray(e.detail) ? e.detail : []); }); } function emit(event) { binder.dispatch(bus, event, slice(arguments, 1)); } if (Splide2) { Splide2.event.on(EVENT_DESTROY, binder.destroy); } return assign(binder, { bus: bus, on: on, off: apply(binder.unbind, bus), emit: emit }); } function RequestInterval(interval, onInterval, onUpdate, limit) { var now =; var startTime; var rate = 0; var id; var paused = true; var count = 0; function update() { if (!paused) { rate = interval ? min((now() - startTime) / interval, 1) : 1; onUpdate && onUpdate(rate); if (rate >= 1) { onInterval(); startTime = now(); if (limit && ++count >= limit) { return pause(); } } id = raf(update); } } function start(resume) { resume || cancel(); startTime = now() - (resume ? rate * interval : 0); paused = false; id = raf(update); } function pause() { paused = true; } function rewind() { startTime = now(); rate = 0; if (onUpdate) { onUpdate(rate); } } function cancel() { id && cancelAnimationFrame(id); rate = 0; id = 0; paused = true; } function set(time) { interval = time; } function isPaused() { return paused; } return { start: start, rewind: rewind, pause: pause, cancel: cancel, set: set, isPaused: isPaused }; } function State(initialState) { var state = initialState; function set(value) { state = value; } function is(states) { return includes(toArray(states), state); } return { set: set, is: is }; } function Throttle(func, duration) { var interval = RequestInterval(duration || 0, func, null, 1); return function () { interval.isPaused() && interval.start(); }; } function Media(Splide2, Components2, options) { var state = Splide2.state; var breakpoints = options.breakpoints || {}; var reducedMotion = options.reducedMotion || {}; var binder = EventBinder(); var queries = []; function setup() { var isMin = options.mediaQuery === "min"; ownKeys(breakpoints).sort(function (n, m) { return isMin ? +n - +m : +m - +n; }).forEach(function (key) { register(breakpoints[key], "(" + (isMin ? "min" : "max") + "-width:" + key + "px)"); }); register(reducedMotion, MEDIA_PREFERS_REDUCED_MOTION); update(); } function destroy(completely) { if (completely) { binder.destroy(); } } function register(options2, query) { var queryList = matchMedia(query); binder.bind(queryList, "change", update); queries.push([options2, queryList]); } function update() { var destroyed =; var direction = options.direction; var merged = queries.reduce(function (merged2, entry) { return merge(merged2, entry[1].matches ? entry[0] : {}); }, {}); omit(options); set(merged); if (options.destroy) { Splide2.destroy(options.destroy === "completely"); } else if (destroyed) { destroy(true); Splide2.mount(); } else { direction !== options.direction && Splide2.refresh(); } } function reduce(enable) { if (matchMedia(MEDIA_PREFERS_REDUCED_MOTION).matches) { enable ? merge(options, reducedMotion) : omit(options, ownKeys(reducedMotion)); } } function set(opts, base, notify) { merge(options, opts); base && merge(Object.getPrototypeOf(options), opts); if (notify || ! { Splide2.emit(EVENT_UPDATED, options); } } return { setup: setup, destroy: destroy, reduce: reduce, set: set }; } var ARROW = "Arrow"; var ARROW_LEFT = ARROW + "Left"; var ARROW_RIGHT = ARROW + "Right"; var ARROW_UP = ARROW + "Up"; var ARROW_DOWN = ARROW + "Down"; var RTL = "rtl"; var TTB = "ttb"; var ORIENTATION_MAP = { width: ["height"], left: ["top", "right"], right: ["bottom", "left"], x: ["y"], X: ["Y"], Y: ["X"], ArrowLeft: [ARROW_UP, ARROW_RIGHT], ArrowRight: [ARROW_DOWN, ARROW_LEFT] }; function Direction(Splide2, Components2, options) { function resolve(prop, axisOnly, direction) { direction = direction || options.direction; var index = direction === RTL && !axisOnly ? 1 : direction === TTB ? 0 : -1; return ORIENTATION_MAP[prop] && ORIENTATION_MAP[prop][index] || prop.replace(/width|left|right/i, function (match, offset) { var replacement = ORIENTATION_MAP[match.toLowerCase()][index] || match; return offset > 0 ? replacement.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + replacement.slice(1) : replacement; }); } function orient(value) { return value * (options.direction === RTL ? 1 : -1); } return { resolve: resolve, orient: orient }; } var ROLE = "role"; var TAB_INDEX = "tabindex"; var DISABLED = "disabled"; var ARIA_PREFIX = "aria-"; var ARIA_CONTROLS = ARIA_PREFIX + "controls"; var ARIA_CURRENT = ARIA_PREFIX + "current"; var ARIA_SELECTED = ARIA_PREFIX + "selected"; var ARIA_LABEL = ARIA_PREFIX + "label"; var ARIA_LABELLEDBY = ARIA_PREFIX + "labelledby"; var ARIA_HIDDEN = ARIA_PREFIX + "hidden"; var ARIA_ORIENTATION = ARIA_PREFIX + "orientation"; var ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION = ARIA_PREFIX + "roledescription"; var ARIA_LIVE = ARIA_PREFIX + "live"; var ARIA_BUSY = ARIA_PREFIX + "busy"; var ARIA_ATOMIC = ARIA_PREFIX + "atomic"; var ALL_ATTRIBUTES = [ROLE, TAB_INDEX, DISABLED, ARIA_CONTROLS, ARIA_CURRENT, ARIA_LABEL, ARIA_LABELLEDBY, ARIA_HIDDEN, ARIA_ORIENTATION, ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION]; var CLASS_PREFIX = PROJECT_CODE + "__"; var STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX = "is-"; var CLASS_ROOT = PROJECT_CODE; var CLASS_TRACK = CLASS_PREFIX + "track"; var CLASS_LIST = CLASS_PREFIX + "list"; var CLASS_SLIDE = CLASS_PREFIX + "slide"; var CLASS_CLONE = CLASS_SLIDE + "--clone"; var CLASS_CONTAINER = CLASS_SLIDE + "__container"; var CLASS_ARROWS = CLASS_PREFIX + "arrows"; var CLASS_ARROW = CLASS_PREFIX + "arrow"; var CLASS_ARROW_PREV = CLASS_ARROW + "--prev"; var CLASS_ARROW_NEXT = CLASS_ARROW + "--next"; var CLASS_PAGINATION = CLASS_PREFIX + "pagination"; var CLASS_PAGINATION_PAGE = CLASS_PAGINATION + "__page"; var CLASS_PROGRESS = CLASS_PREFIX + "progress"; var CLASS_PROGRESS_BAR = CLASS_PROGRESS + "__bar"; var CLASS_TOGGLE = CLASS_PREFIX + "toggle"; var CLASS_SPINNER = CLASS_PREFIX + "spinner"; var CLASS_SR = CLASS_PREFIX + "sr"; var CLASS_INITIALIZED = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "initialized"; var CLASS_ACTIVE = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "active"; var CLASS_PREV = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "prev"; var CLASS_NEXT = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "next"; var CLASS_VISIBLE = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "visible"; var CLASS_LOADING = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "loading"; var CLASS_FOCUS_IN = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "focus-in"; var CLASS_OVERFLOW = STATUS_CLASS_PREFIX + "overflow"; var STATUS_CLASSES = [CLASS_ACTIVE, CLASS_VISIBLE, CLASS_PREV, CLASS_NEXT, CLASS_LOADING, CLASS_FOCUS_IN, CLASS_OVERFLOW]; var CLASSES = { slide: CLASS_SLIDE, clone: CLASS_CLONE, arrows: CLASS_ARROWS, arrow: CLASS_ARROW, prev: CLASS_ARROW_PREV, next: CLASS_ARROW_NEXT, pagination: CLASS_PAGINATION, page: CLASS_PAGINATION_PAGE, spinner: CLASS_SPINNER }; function closest(from, selector) { if (isFunction(from.closest)) { return from.closest(selector); } var elm = from; while (elm && elm.nodeType === 1) { if (matches(elm, selector)) { break; } elm = elm.parentElement; } return elm; } var FRICTION = 5; var LOG_INTERVAL = 200; var POINTER_DOWN_EVENTS = "touchstart mousedown"; var POINTER_MOVE_EVENTS = "touchmove mousemove"; var POINTER_UP_EVENTS = "touchend touchcancel mouseup click"; function Elements(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface.on, bind = _EventInterface.bind; var root = Splide2.root; var i18n = options.i18n; var elements = {}; var slides = []; var rootClasses = []; var trackClasses = []; var track; var list; var isUsingKey; function setup() { collect(); init(); update(); } function mount() { on(EVENT_REFRESH, destroy); on(EVENT_REFRESH, setup); on(EVENT_UPDATED, update); bind(document, POINTER_DOWN_EVENTS + " keydown", function (e) { isUsingKey = e.type === "keydown"; }, { capture: true }); bind(root, "focusin", function () { toggleClass(root, CLASS_FOCUS_IN, !!isUsingKey); }); } function destroy(completely) { var attrs = ALL_ATTRIBUTES.concat("style"); empty(slides); removeClass(root, rootClasses); removeClass(track, trackClasses); removeAttribute([track, list], attrs); removeAttribute(root, completely ? attrs : ["style", ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION]); } function update() { removeClass(root, rootClasses); removeClass(track, trackClasses); rootClasses = getClasses(CLASS_ROOT); trackClasses = getClasses(CLASS_TRACK); addClass(root, rootClasses); addClass(track, trackClasses); setAttribute(root, ARIA_LABEL, options.label); setAttribute(root, ARIA_LABELLEDBY, options.labelledby); } function collect() { track = find("." + CLASS_TRACK); list = child(track, "." + CLASS_LIST); assert(track && list, "A track/list element is missing."); push(slides, children(list, "." + CLASS_SLIDE + ":not(." + CLASS_CLONE + ")")); forOwn({ arrows: CLASS_ARROWS, pagination: CLASS_PAGINATION, prev: CLASS_ARROW_PREV, next: CLASS_ARROW_NEXT, bar: CLASS_PROGRESS_BAR, toggle: CLASS_TOGGLE }, function (className, key) { elements[key] = find("." + className); }); assign(elements, { root: root, track: track, list: list, slides: slides }); } function init() { var id = || uniqueId(PROJECT_CODE); var role = options.role; = id; = || id + "-track"; = || id + "-list"; if (!getAttribute(root, ROLE) && root.tagName !== "SECTION" && role) { setAttribute(root, ROLE, role); } setAttribute(root, ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION, i18n.carousel); setAttribute(list, ROLE, "presentation"); } function find(selector) { var elm = query(root, selector); return elm && closest(elm, "." + CLASS_ROOT) === root ? elm : void 0; } function getClasses(base) { return [base + "--" + options.type, base + "--" + options.direction, options.drag && base + "--draggable", options.isNavigation && base + "--nav", base === CLASS_ROOT && CLASS_ACTIVE]; } return assign(elements, { setup: setup, mount: mount, destroy: destroy }); } var SLIDE = "slide"; var LOOP = "loop"; var FADE = "fade"; function Slide$1(Splide2, index, slideIndex, slide) { var event = EventInterface(Splide2); var on = event.on, emit = event.emit, bind = event.bind; var Components = Splide2.Components, root = Splide2.root, options = Splide2.options; var isNavigation = options.isNavigation, updateOnMove = options.updateOnMove, i18n = options.i18n, pagination = options.pagination, slideFocus = options.slideFocus; var resolve = Components.Direction.resolve; var styles = getAttribute(slide, "style"); var label = getAttribute(slide, ARIA_LABEL); var isClone = slideIndex > -1; var container = child(slide, "." + CLASS_CONTAINER); var destroyed; function mount() { if (!isClone) { = + "-slide" + pad(index + 1); setAttribute(slide, ROLE, pagination ? "tabpanel" : "group"); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION, i18n.slide); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_LABEL, label || format(i18n.slideLabel, [index + 1, Splide2.length])); } listen(); } function listen() { bind(slide, "click", apply(emit, EVENT_CLICK, self)); bind(slide, "keydown", apply(emit, EVENT_SLIDE_KEYDOWN, self)); on([EVENT_MOVED, EVENT_SHIFTED, EVENT_SCROLLED], update); on(EVENT_NAVIGATION_MOUNTED, initNavigation); if (updateOnMove) { on(EVENT_MOVE, onMove); } } function destroy() { destroyed = true; event.destroy(); removeClass(slide, STATUS_CLASSES); removeAttribute(slide, ALL_ATTRIBUTES); setAttribute(slide, "style", styles); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_LABEL, label || ""); } function initNavigation() { var controls = (target) { var Slide2 = target.splide.Components.Slides.getAt(index); return Slide2 ? : ""; }).join(" "); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_LABEL, format(i18n.slideX, (isClone ? slideIndex : index) + 1)); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_CONTROLS, controls); setAttribute(slide, ROLE, slideFocus ? "button" : ""); slideFocus && removeAttribute(slide, ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION); } function onMove() { if (!destroyed) { update(); } } function update() { if (!destroyed) { var curr = Splide2.index; updateActivity(); updateVisibility(); toggleClass(slide, CLASS_PREV, index === curr - 1); toggleClass(slide, CLASS_NEXT, index === curr + 1); } } function updateActivity() { var active = isActive(); if (active !== hasClass(slide, CLASS_ACTIVE)) { toggleClass(slide, CLASS_ACTIVE, active); setAttribute(slide, ARIA_CURRENT, isNavigation && active || ""); emit(active ? EVENT_ACTIVE : EVENT_INACTIVE, self); } } function updateVisibility() { var visible = isVisible(); var hidden = !visible && (!isActive() || isClone); if (![MOVING, SCROLLING])) { setAttribute(slide, ARIA_HIDDEN, hidden || ""); } setAttribute(queryAll(slide, options.focusableNodes || ""), TAB_INDEX, hidden ? -1 : ""); if (slideFocus) { setAttribute(slide, TAB_INDEX, hidden ? -1 : 0); } if (visible !== hasClass(slide, CLASS_VISIBLE)) { toggleClass(slide, CLASS_VISIBLE, visible); emit(visible ? EVENT_VISIBLE : EVENT_HIDDEN, self); } if (!visible && document.activeElement === slide) { var Slide2 = Components.Slides.getAt(Splide2.index); Slide2 && focus(Slide2.slide); } } function style$1(prop, value, useContainer) { style(useContainer && container || slide, prop, value); } function isActive() { var curr = Splide2.index; return curr === index || options.cloneStatus && curr === slideIndex; } function isVisible() { if ( { return isActive(); } var trackRect = rect(Components.Elements.track); var slideRect = rect(slide); var left = resolve("left", true); var right = resolve("right", true); return floor(trackRect[left]) <= ceil(slideRect[left]) && floor(slideRect[right]) <= ceil(trackRect[right]); } function isWithin(from, distance) { var diff = abs(from - index); if (!isClone && (options.rewind || { diff = min(diff, Splide2.length - diff); } return diff <= distance; } var self = { index: index, slideIndex: slideIndex, slide: slide, container: container, isClone: isClone, mount: mount, destroy: destroy, update: update, style: style$1, isWithin: isWithin }; return self; } function Slides(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface2 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface2.on, emit = _EventInterface2.emit, bind = _EventInterface2.bind; var _Components2$Elements = Components2.Elements, slides = _Components2$Elements.slides, list = _Components2$Elements.list; var Slides2 = []; function mount() { init(); on(EVENT_REFRESH, destroy); on(EVENT_REFRESH, init); } function init() { slides.forEach(function (slide, index) { register(slide, index, -1); }); } function destroy() { forEach$1(function (Slide2) { Slide2.destroy(); }); empty(Slides2); } function update() { forEach$1(function (Slide2) { Slide2.update(); }); } function register(slide, index, slideIndex) { var object = Slide$1(Splide2, index, slideIndex, slide); object.mount(); Slides2.push(object); Slides2.sort(function (Slide1, Slide2) { return Slide1.index - Slide2.index; }); } function get(excludeClones) { return excludeClones ? filter(function (Slide2) { return !Slide2.isClone; }) : Slides2; } function getIn(page) { var Controller = Components2.Controller; var index = Controller.toIndex(page); var max = Controller.hasFocus() ? 1 : options.perPage; return filter(function (Slide2) { return between(Slide2.index, index, index + max - 1); }); } function getAt(index) { return filter(index)[0]; } function add(items, index) { forEach(items, function (slide) { if (isString(slide)) { slide = parseHtml(slide); } if (isHTMLElement(slide)) { var ref = slides[index]; ref ? before(slide, ref) : append(list, slide); addClass(slide, options.classes.slide); observeImages(slide, apply(emit, EVENT_RESIZE)); } }); emit(EVENT_REFRESH); } function remove$1(matcher) { remove(filter(matcher).map(function (Slide2) { return Slide2.slide; })); emit(EVENT_REFRESH); } function forEach$1(iteratee, excludeClones) { get(excludeClones).forEach(iteratee); } function filter(matcher) { return Slides2.filter(isFunction(matcher) ? matcher : function (Slide2) { return isString(matcher) ? matches(Slide2.slide, matcher) : includes(toArray(matcher), Slide2.index); }); } function style(prop, value, useContainer) { forEach$1(function (Slide2) {, value, useContainer); }); } function observeImages(elm, callback) { var images = queryAll(elm, "img"); var length = images.length; if (length) { images.forEach(function (img) { bind(img, "load error", function () { if (! --length) { callback(); } }); }); } else { callback(); } } function getLength(excludeClones) { return excludeClones ? slides.length : Slides2.length; } function isEnough() { return Slides2.length > options.perPage; } return { mount: mount, destroy: destroy, update: update, register: register, get: get, getIn: getIn, getAt: getAt, add: add, remove: remove$1, forEach: forEach$1, filter: filter, style: style, getLength: getLength, isEnough: isEnough }; } function Layout(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface3 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface3.on, bind = _EventInterface3.bind, emit = _EventInterface3.emit; var Slides = Components2.Slides; var resolve = Components2.Direction.resolve; var _Components2$Elements2 = Components2.Elements, root = _Components2$Elements2.root, track = _Components2$Elements2.track, list = _Components2$Elements2.list; var getAt = Slides.getAt, styleSlides =; var vertical; var rootRect; var overflow; function mount() { init(); bind(window, "resize load", Throttle(apply(emit, EVENT_RESIZE))); on([EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH], init); on(EVENT_RESIZE, resize); } function init() { vertical = options.direction === TTB; style(root, "maxWidth", unit(options.width)); style(track, resolve("paddingLeft"), cssPadding(false)); style(track, resolve("paddingRight"), cssPadding(true)); resize(true); } function resize(force) { var newRect = rect(root); if (force || rootRect.width !== newRect.width || rootRect.height !== newRect.height) { style(track, "height", cssTrackHeight()); styleSlides(resolve("marginRight"), unit(; styleSlides("width", cssSlideWidth()); styleSlides("height", cssSlideHeight(), true); rootRect = newRect; emit(EVENT_RESIZED); if (overflow !== (overflow = isOverflow())) { toggleClass(root, CLASS_OVERFLOW, overflow); emit(EVENT_OVERFLOW, overflow); } } } function cssPadding(right) { var padding = options.padding; var prop = resolve(right ? "right" : "left"); return padding && unit(padding[prop] || (isObject(padding) ? 0 : padding)) || "0px"; } function cssTrackHeight() { var height = ""; if (vertical) { height = cssHeight(); assert(height, "height or heightRatio is missing."); height = "calc(" + height + " - " + cssPadding(false) + " - " + cssPadding(true) + ")"; } return height; } function cssHeight() { return unit(options.height || rect(list).width * options.heightRatio); } function cssSlideWidth() { return options.autoWidth ? null : unit(options.fixedWidth) || (vertical ? "" : cssSlideSize()); } function cssSlideHeight() { return unit(options.fixedHeight) || (vertical ? options.autoHeight ? null : cssSlideSize() : cssHeight()); } function cssSlideSize() { var gap = unit(; return "calc((100%" + (gap && " + " + gap) + ")/" + (options.perPage || 1) + (gap && " - " + gap) + ")"; } function listSize() { return rect(list)[resolve("width")]; } function slideSize(index, withoutGap) { var Slide = getAt(index || 0); return Slide ? rect(Slide.slide)[resolve("width")] + (withoutGap ? 0 : getGap()) : 0; } function totalSize(index, withoutGap) { var Slide = getAt(index); if (Slide) { var right = rect(Slide.slide)[resolve("right")]; var left = rect(list)[resolve("left")]; return abs(right - left) + (withoutGap ? 0 : getGap()); } return 0; } function sliderSize(withoutGap) { return totalSize(Splide2.length - 1) - totalSize(0) + slideSize(0, withoutGap); } function getGap() { var Slide = getAt(0); return Slide && parseFloat(style(Slide.slide, resolve("marginRight"))) || 0; } function getPadding(right) { return parseFloat(style(track, resolve("padding" + (right ? "Right" : "Left")))) || 0; } function isOverflow() { return || sliderSize(true) > listSize(); } return { mount: mount, resize: resize, listSize: listSize, slideSize: slideSize, sliderSize: sliderSize, totalSize: totalSize, getPadding: getPadding, isOverflow: isOverflow }; } var MULTIPLIER = 2; function Clones(Splide2, Components2, options) { var event = EventInterface(Splide2); var on = event.on; var Elements = Components2.Elements, Slides = Components2.Slides; var resolve = Components2.Direction.resolve; var clones = []; var cloneCount; function mount() { on(EVENT_REFRESH, remount); on([EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_RESIZE], observe); if (cloneCount = computeCloneCount()) { generate(cloneCount); Components2.Layout.resize(true); } } function remount() { destroy(); mount(); } function destroy() { remove(clones); empty(clones); event.destroy(); } function observe() { var count = computeCloneCount(); if (cloneCount !== count) { if (cloneCount < count || !count) { event.emit(EVENT_REFRESH); } } } function generate(count) { var slides = Slides.get().slice(); var length = slides.length; if (length) { while (slides.length < count) { push(slides, slides); } push(slides.slice(-count), slides.slice(0, count)).forEach(function (Slide, index) { var isHead = index < count; var clone = cloneDeep(Slide.slide, index); isHead ? before(clone, slides[0].slide) : append(Elements.list, clone); push(clones, clone); Slides.register(clone, index - count + (isHead ? 0 : length), Slide.index); }); } } function cloneDeep(elm, index) { var clone = elm.cloneNode(true); addClass(clone, options.classes.clone); = + "-clone" + pad(index + 1); return clone; } function computeCloneCount() { var clones2 = options.clones; if (! { clones2 = 0; } else if (isUndefined(clones2)) { var fixedSize = options[resolve("fixedWidth")] && Components2.Layout.slideSize(0); var fixedCount = fixedSize && ceil(rect(Elements.track)[resolve("width")] / fixedSize); clones2 = fixedCount || options[resolve("autoWidth")] && Splide2.length || options.perPage * MULTIPLIER; } return clones2; } return { mount: mount, destroy: destroy }; } function Move(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface4 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface4.on, emit = _EventInterface4.emit; var set = Splide2.state.set; var _Components2$Layout = Components2.Layout, slideSize = _Components2$Layout.slideSize, getPadding = _Components2$Layout.getPadding, totalSize = _Components2$Layout.totalSize, listSize = _Components2$Layout.listSize, sliderSize = _Components2$Layout.sliderSize; var _Components2$Directio = Components2.Direction, resolve = _Components2$Directio.resolve, orient = _Components2$Directio.orient; var _Components2$Elements3 = Components2.Elements, list = _Components2$Elements3.list, track = _Components2$Elements3.track; var Transition; function mount() { Transition = Components2.Transition; on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_RESIZED, EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH], reposition); } function reposition() { if (!Components2.Controller.isBusy()) { Components2.Scroll.cancel(); jump(Splide2.index); Components2.Slides.update(); } } function move(dest, index, prev, callback) { if (dest !== index && canShift(dest > prev)) { cancel(); translate(shift(getPosition(), dest > prev), true); } set(MOVING); emit(EVENT_MOVE, index, prev, dest); Transition.start(index, function () { set(IDLE); emit(EVENT_MOVED, index, prev, dest); callback && callback(); }); } function jump(index) { translate(toPosition(index, true)); } function translate(position, preventLoop) { if (! { var destination = preventLoop ? position : loop(position); style(list, "transform", "translate" + resolve("X") + "(" + destination + "px)"); position !== destination && emit(EVENT_SHIFTED); } } function loop(position) { if ( { var index = toIndex(position); var exceededMax = index > Components2.Controller.getEnd(); var exceededMin = index < 0; if (exceededMin || exceededMax) { position = shift(position, exceededMax); } } return position; } function shift(position, backwards) { var excess = position - getLimit(backwards); var size = sliderSize(); position -= orient(size * (ceil(abs(excess) / size) || 1)) * (backwards ? 1 : -1); return position; } function cancel() { translate(getPosition(), true); Transition.cancel(); } function toIndex(position) { var Slides = Components2.Slides.get(); var index = 0; var minDistance = Infinity; for (var i = 0; i < Slides.length; i++) { var slideIndex = Slides[i].index; var distance = abs(toPosition(slideIndex, true) - position); if (distance <= minDistance) { minDistance = distance; index = slideIndex; } else { break; } } return index; } function toPosition(index, trimming) { var position = orient(totalSize(index - 1) - offset(index)); return trimming ? trim(position) : position; } function getPosition() { var left = resolve("left"); return rect(list)[left] - rect(track)[left] + orient(getPadding(false)); } function trim(position) { if (options.trimSpace && { position = clamp(position, 0, orient(sliderSize(true) - listSize())); } return position; } function offset(index) { var focus = options.focus; return focus === "center" ? (listSize() - slideSize(index, true)) / 2 : +focus * slideSize(index) || 0; } function getLimit(max) { return toPosition(max ? Components2.Controller.getEnd() : 0, !!options.trimSpace); } function canShift(backwards) { var shifted = orient(shift(getPosition(), backwards)); return backwards ? shifted >= 0 : shifted <= list[resolve("scrollWidth")] - rect(track)[resolve("width")]; } function exceededLimit(max, position) { position = isUndefined(position) ? getPosition() : position; var exceededMin = max !== true && orient(position) < orient(getLimit(false)); var exceededMax = max !== false && orient(position) > orient(getLimit(true)); return exceededMin || exceededMax; } return { mount: mount, move: move, jump: jump, translate: translate, shift: shift, cancel: cancel, toIndex: toIndex, toPosition: toPosition, getPosition: getPosition, getLimit: getLimit, exceededLimit: exceededLimit, reposition: reposition }; } function Controller(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface5 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface5.on, emit = _EventInterface5.emit; var Move = Components2.Move; var getPosition = Move.getPosition, getLimit = Move.getLimit, toPosition = Move.toPosition; var _Components2$Slides = Components2.Slides, isEnough = _Components2$Slides.isEnough, getLength = _Components2$Slides.getLength; var omitEnd = options.omitEnd; var isLoop =; var isSlide =; var getNext = apply(getAdjacent, false); var getPrev = apply(getAdjacent, true); var currIndex = options.start || 0; var endIndex; var prevIndex = currIndex; var slideCount; var perMove; var perPage; function mount() { init(); on([EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH, EVENT_END_INDEX_CHANGED], init); on(EVENT_RESIZED, onResized); } function init() { slideCount = getLength(true); perMove = options.perMove; perPage = options.perPage; endIndex = getEnd(); var index = clamp(currIndex, 0, omitEnd ? endIndex : slideCount - 1); if (index !== currIndex) { currIndex = index; Move.reposition(); } } function onResized() { if (endIndex !== getEnd()) { emit(EVENT_END_INDEX_CHANGED); } } function go(control, allowSameIndex, callback) { if (!isBusy()) { var dest = parse(control); var index = loop(dest); if (index > -1 && (allowSameIndex || index !== currIndex)) { setIndex(index); Move.move(dest, index, prevIndex, callback); } } } function scroll(destination, duration, snap, callback) { Components2.Scroll.scroll(destination, duration, snap, function () { var index = loop(Move.toIndex(getPosition())); setIndex(omitEnd ? min(index, endIndex) : index); callback && callback(); }); } function parse(control) { var index = currIndex; if (isString(control)) { var _ref = control.match(/([+\-<>])(\d+)?/) || [], indicator = _ref[1], number = _ref[2]; if (indicator === "+" || indicator === "-") { index = computeDestIndex(currIndex + +("" + indicator + (+number || 1)), currIndex); } else if (indicator === ">") { index = number ? toIndex(+number) : getNext(true); } else if (indicator === "<") { index = getPrev(true); } } else { index = isLoop ? control : clamp(control, 0, endIndex); } return index; } function getAdjacent(prev, destination) { var number = perMove || (hasFocus() ? 1 : perPage); var dest = computeDestIndex(currIndex + number * (prev ? -1 : 1), currIndex, !(perMove || hasFocus())); if (dest === -1 && isSlide) { if (!approximatelyEqual(getPosition(), getLimit(!prev), 1)) { return prev ? 0 : endIndex; } } return destination ? dest : loop(dest); } function computeDestIndex(dest, from, snapPage) { if (isEnough() || hasFocus()) { var index = computeMovableDestIndex(dest); if (index !== dest) { from = dest; dest = index; snapPage = false; } if (dest < 0 || dest > endIndex) { if (!perMove && (between(0, dest, from, true) || between(endIndex, from, dest, true))) { dest = toIndex(toPage(dest)); } else { if (isLoop) { dest = snapPage ? dest < 0 ? -(slideCount % perPage || perPage) : slideCount : dest; } else if (options.rewind) { dest = dest < 0 ? endIndex : 0; } else { dest = -1; } } } else { if (snapPage && dest !== from) { dest = toIndex(toPage(from) + (dest < from ? -1 : 1)); } } } else { dest = -1; } return dest; } function computeMovableDestIndex(dest) { if (isSlide && options.trimSpace === "move" && dest !== currIndex) { var position = getPosition(); while (position === toPosition(dest, true) && between(dest, 0, Splide2.length - 1, !options.rewind)) { dest < currIndex ? --dest : ++dest; } } return dest; } function loop(index) { return isLoop ? (index + slideCount) % slideCount || 0 : index; } function getEnd() { var end = slideCount - (hasFocus() || isLoop && perMove ? 1 : perPage); while (omitEnd && end-- > 0) { if (toPosition(slideCount - 1, true) !== toPosition(end, true)) { end++; break; } } return clamp(end, 0, slideCount - 1); } function toIndex(page) { return clamp(hasFocus() ? page : perPage * page, 0, endIndex); } function toPage(index) { return hasFocus() ? min(index, endIndex) : floor((index >= endIndex ? slideCount - 1 : index) / perPage); } function toDest(destination) { var closest = Move.toIndex(destination); return isSlide ? clamp(closest, 0, endIndex) : closest; } function setIndex(index) { if (index !== currIndex) { prevIndex = currIndex; currIndex = index; } } function getIndex(prev) { return prev ? prevIndex : currIndex; } function hasFocus() { return !isUndefined(options.focus) || options.isNavigation; } function isBusy() { return[MOVING, SCROLLING]) && !!options.waitForTransition; } return { mount: mount, go: go, scroll: scroll, getNext: getNext, getPrev: getPrev, getAdjacent: getAdjacent, getEnd: getEnd, setIndex: setIndex, getIndex: getIndex, toIndex: toIndex, toPage: toPage, toDest: toDest, hasFocus: hasFocus, isBusy: isBusy }; } var XML_NAME_SPACE = ""; var PATH = "m15.5 0.932-4.3 4.38 14.5 14.6-14.5 14.5 4.3 4.4 14.6-14.6 4.4-4.3-4.4-4.4-14.6-14.6z"; var SIZE = 40; function Arrows(Splide2, Components2, options) { var event = EventInterface(Splide2); var on = event.on, bind = event.bind, emit = event.emit; var classes = options.classes, i18n = options.i18n; var Elements = Components2.Elements, Controller = Components2.Controller; var placeholder = Elements.arrows, track = Elements.track; var wrapper = placeholder; var prev = Elements.prev; var next =; var created; var wrapperClasses; var arrows = {}; function mount() { init(); on(EVENT_UPDATED, remount); } function remount() { destroy(); mount(); } function init() { var enabled = options.arrows; if (enabled && !(prev && next)) { createArrows(); } if (prev && next) { assign(arrows, { prev: prev, next: next }); display(wrapper, enabled ? "" : "none"); addClass(wrapper, wrapperClasses = CLASS_ARROWS + "--" + options.direction); if (enabled) { listen(); update(); setAttribute([prev, next], ARIA_CONTROLS,; emit(EVENT_ARROWS_MOUNTED, prev, next); } } } function destroy() { event.destroy(); removeClass(wrapper, wrapperClasses); if (created) { remove(placeholder ? [prev, next] : wrapper); prev = next = null; } else { removeAttribute([prev, next], ALL_ATTRIBUTES); } } function listen() { on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_MOVED, EVENT_REFRESH, EVENT_SCROLLED, EVENT_END_INDEX_CHANGED], update); bind(next, "click", apply(go, ">")); bind(prev, "click", apply(go, "<")); } function go(control) { Controller.go(control, true); } function createArrows() { wrapper = placeholder || create("div", classes.arrows); prev = createArrow(true); next = createArrow(false); created = true; append(wrapper, [prev, next]); !placeholder && before(wrapper, track); } function createArrow(prev2) { var arrow = "<button class="\""" type="\"button\"">"; return parseHtml(arrow); } function update() { if (prev && next) { var index = Splide2.index; var prevIndex = Controller.getPrev(); var nextIndex = Controller.getNext(); var prevLabel = prevIndex > -1 && index < prevIndex ? i18n.last : i18n.prev; var nextLabel = nextIndex > -1 && index > nextIndex ? i18n.first :; prev.disabled = prevIndex < 0; next.disabled = nextIndex < 0; setAttribute(prev, ARIA_LABEL, prevLabel); setAttribute(next, ARIA_LABEL, nextLabel); emit(EVENT_ARROWS_UPDATED, prev, next, prevIndex, nextIndex); } } return { arrows: arrows, mount: mount, destroy: destroy, update: update }; } var INTERVAL_DATA_ATTRIBUTE = DATA_ATTRIBUTE + "-interval"; function Autoplay(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface6 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface6.on, bind = _EventInterface6.bind, emit = _EventInterface6.emit; var interval = RequestInterval(options.interval, Splide2.go.bind(Splide2, ">"), onAnimationFrame); var isPaused = interval.isPaused; var Elements = Components2.Elements, _Components2$Elements4 = Components2.Elements, root = _Components2$Elements4.root, toggle = _Components2$Elements4.toggle; var autoplay = options.autoplay; var hovered; var focused; var stopped = autoplay === "pause"; function mount() { if (autoplay) { listen(); toggle && setAttribute(toggle, ARIA_CONTROLS,; stopped || play(); update(); } } function listen() { if (options.pauseOnHover) { bind(root, "mouseenter mouseleave", function (e) { hovered = e.type === "mouseenter"; autoToggle(); }); } if (options.pauseOnFocus) { bind(root, "focusin focusout", function (e) { focused = e.type === "focusin"; autoToggle(); }); } if (toggle) { bind(toggle, "click", function () { stopped ? play() : pause(true); }); } on([EVENT_MOVE, EVENT_SCROLL, EVENT_REFRESH], interval.rewind); on(EVENT_MOVE, onMove); } function play() { if (isPaused() && Components2.Slides.isEnough()) { interval.start(!options.resetProgress); focused = hovered = stopped = false; update(); emit(EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PLAY); } } function pause(stop) { if (stop === void 0) { stop = true; } stopped = !!stop; update(); if (!isPaused()) { interval.pause(); emit(EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PAUSE); } } function autoToggle() { if (!stopped) { hovered || focused ? pause(false) : play(); } } function update() { if (toggle) { toggleClass(toggle, CLASS_ACTIVE, !stopped); setAttribute(toggle, ARIA_LABEL, options.i18n[stopped ? "play" : "pause"]); } } function onAnimationFrame(rate) { var bar =; bar && style(bar, "width", rate * 100 + "%"); emit(EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PLAYING, rate); } function onMove(index) { var Slide = Components2.Slides.getAt(index); interval.set(Slide && +getAttribute(Slide.slide, INTERVAL_DATA_ATTRIBUTE) || options.interval); } return { mount: mount, destroy: interval.cancel, play: play, pause: pause, isPaused: isPaused }; } function Cover(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface7 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface7.on; function mount() { if (options.cover) { on(EVENT_LAZYLOAD_LOADED, apply(toggle, true)); on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH], apply(cover, true)); } } function cover(cover2) { Components2.Slides.forEach(function (Slide) { var img = child(Slide.container || Slide.slide, "img"); if (img && img.src) { toggle(cover2, img, Slide); } }); } function toggle(cover2, img, Slide) {"background", cover2 ? "center/cover no-repeat url(\"" + img.src + "\")" : "", true); display(img, cover2 ? "none" : ""); } return { mount: mount, destroy: apply(cover, false) }; } var BOUNCE_DIFF_THRESHOLD = 10; var BOUNCE_DURATION = 600; var FRICTION_FACTOR = 0.6; var BASE_VELOCITY = 1.5; var MIN_DURATION = 800; function Scroll(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface8 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface8.on, emit = _EventInterface8.emit; var set = Splide2.state.set; var Move = Components2.Move; var getPosition = Move.getPosition, getLimit = Move.getLimit, exceededLimit = Move.exceededLimit, translate = Move.translate; var isSlide =; var interval; var callback; var friction = 1; function mount() { on(EVENT_MOVE, clear); on([EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH], cancel); } function scroll(destination, duration, snap, onScrolled, noConstrain) { var from = getPosition(); clear(); if (snap && (!isSlide || !exceededLimit())) { var size = Components2.Layout.sliderSize(); var offset = sign(destination) * size * floor(abs(destination) / size) || 0; destination = Move.toPosition(Components2.Controller.toDest(destination % size)) + offset; } var noDistance = approximatelyEqual(from, destination, 1); friction = 1; duration = noDistance ? 0 : duration || max(abs(destination - from) / BASE_VELOCITY, MIN_DURATION); callback = onScrolled; interval = RequestInterval(duration, onEnd, apply(update, from, destination, noConstrain), 1); set(SCROLLING); emit(EVENT_SCROLL); interval.start(); } function onEnd() { set(IDLE); callback && callback(); emit(EVENT_SCROLLED); } function update(from, to, noConstrain, rate) { var position = getPosition(); var target = from + (to - from) * easing(rate); var diff = (target - position) * friction; translate(position + diff); if (isSlide && !noConstrain && exceededLimit()) { friction *= FRICTION_FACTOR; if (abs(diff) < BOUNCE_DIFF_THRESHOLD) { scroll(getLimit(exceededLimit(true)), BOUNCE_DURATION, false, callback, true); } } } function clear() { if (interval) { interval.cancel(); } } function cancel() { if (interval && !interval.isPaused()) { clear(); onEnd(); } } function easing(t) { var easingFunc = options.easingFunc; return easingFunc ? easingFunc(t) : 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 4); } return { mount: mount, destroy: clear, scroll: scroll, cancel: cancel }; } var SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS = { passive: false, capture: true }; function Drag(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface9 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface9.on, emit = _EventInterface9.emit, bind = _EventInterface9.bind, unbind = _EventInterface9.unbind; var state = Splide2.state; var Move = Components2.Move, Scroll = Components2.Scroll, Controller = Components2.Controller, track = Components2.Elements.track, reduce = Components2.Media.reduce; var _Components2$Directio2 = Components2.Direction, resolve = _Components2$Directio2.resolve, orient = _Components2$Directio2.orient; var getPosition = Move.getPosition, exceededLimit = Move.exceededLimit; var basePosition; var baseEvent; var prevBaseEvent; var isFree; var dragging; var exceeded = false; var clickPrevented; var disabled; var target; function mount() { bind(track, POINTER_MOVE_EVENTS, noop, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); bind(track, POINTER_UP_EVENTS, noop, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); bind(track, POINTER_DOWN_EVENTS, onPointerDown, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); bind(track, "click", onClick, { capture: true }); bind(track, "dragstart", prevent); on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_UPDATED], init); } function init() { var drag = options.drag; disable(!drag); isFree = drag === "free"; } function onPointerDown(e) { clickPrevented = false; if (!disabled) { var isTouch = isTouchEvent(e); if (isDraggable( && (isTouch || !e.button)) { if (!Controller.isBusy()) { target = isTouch ? track : window; dragging =[MOVING, SCROLLING]); prevBaseEvent = null; bind(target, POINTER_MOVE_EVENTS, onPointerMove, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); bind(target, POINTER_UP_EVENTS, onPointerUp, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); Move.cancel(); Scroll.cancel(); save(e); } else { prevent(e, true); } } } } function onPointerMove(e) { if (! { state.set(DRAGGING); emit(EVENT_DRAG); } if (e.cancelable) { if (dragging) { Move.translate(basePosition + constrain(diffCoord(e))); var expired = diffTime(e) > LOG_INTERVAL; var hasExceeded = exceeded !== (exceeded = exceededLimit()); if (expired || hasExceeded) { save(e); } clickPrevented = true; emit(EVENT_DRAGGING); prevent(e); } else if (isSliderDirection(e)) { dragging = shouldStart(e); prevent(e); } } } function onPointerUp(e) { if ( { state.set(IDLE); emit(EVENT_DRAGGED); } if (dragging) { move(e); prevent(e); } unbind(target, POINTER_MOVE_EVENTS, onPointerMove); unbind(target, POINTER_UP_EVENTS, onPointerUp); dragging = false; } function onClick(e) { if (!disabled && clickPrevented) { prevent(e, true); } } function save(e) { prevBaseEvent = baseEvent; baseEvent = e; basePosition = getPosition(); } function move(e) { var velocity = computeVelocity(e); var destination = computeDestination(velocity); var rewind = options.rewind && options.rewindByDrag; reduce(false); if (isFree) { Controller.scroll(destination, 0, options.snap); } else if ( { Controller.go(orient(sign(velocity)) < 0 ? rewind ? "<" : "-" : rewind ? ">" : "+"); } else if ( && exceeded && rewind) { Controller.go(exceededLimit(true) ? ">" : "<"); } else { Controller.go(Controller.toDest(destination), true); } reduce(true); } function shouldStart(e) { var thresholds = options.dragMinThreshold; var isObj = isObject(thresholds); var mouse = isObj && thresholds.mouse || 0; var touch = (isObj ? thresholds.touch : +thresholds) || 10; return abs(diffCoord(e)) > (isTouchEvent(e) ? touch : mouse); } function isSliderDirection(e) { return abs(diffCoord(e)) > abs(diffCoord(e, true)); } function computeVelocity(e) { if ( || !exceeded) { var time = diffTime(e); if (time && time < LOG_INTERVAL) { return diffCoord(e) / time; } } return 0; } function computeDestination(velocity) { return getPosition() + sign(velocity) * min(abs(velocity) * (options.flickPower || 600), isFree ? Infinity : Components2.Layout.listSize() * (options.flickMaxPages || 1)); } function diffCoord(e, orthogonal) { return coordOf(e, orthogonal) - coordOf(getBaseEvent(e), orthogonal); } function diffTime(e) { return timeOf(e) - timeOf(getBaseEvent(e)); } function getBaseEvent(e) { return baseEvent === e && prevBaseEvent || baseEvent; } function coordOf(e, orthogonal) { return (isTouchEvent(e) ? e.changedTouches[0] : e)["page" + resolve(orthogonal ? "Y" : "X")]; } function constrain(diff) { return diff / (exceeded && ? FRICTION : 1); } function isDraggable(target2) { var noDrag = options.noDrag; return !matches(target2, "." + CLASS_PAGINATION_PAGE + ", ." + CLASS_ARROW) && (!noDrag || !matches(target2, noDrag)); } function isTouchEvent(e) { return typeof TouchEvent !== "undefined" && e instanceof TouchEvent; } function isDragging() { return dragging; } function disable(value) { disabled = value; } return { mount: mount, disable: disable, isDragging: isDragging }; } var NORMALIZATION_MAP = { Spacebar: " ", Right: ARROW_RIGHT, Left: ARROW_LEFT, Up: ARROW_UP, Down: ARROW_DOWN }; function normalizeKey(key) { key = isString(key) ? key : key.key; return NORMALIZATION_MAP[key] || key; } var KEYBOARD_EVENT = "keydown"; function Keyboard(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface10 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface10.on, bind = _EventInterface10.bind, unbind = _EventInterface10.unbind; var root = Splide2.root; var resolve = Components2.Direction.resolve; var target; var disabled; function mount() { init(); on(EVENT_UPDATED, destroy); on(EVENT_UPDATED, init); on(EVENT_MOVE, onMove); } function init() { var keyboard = options.keyboard; if (keyboard) { target = keyboard === "global" ? window : root; bind(target, KEYBOARD_EVENT, onKeydown); } } function destroy() { unbind(target, KEYBOARD_EVENT); } function disable(value) { disabled = value; } function onMove() { var _disabled = disabled; disabled = true; nextTick(function () { disabled = _disabled; }); } function onKeydown(e) { if (!disabled) { var key = normalizeKey(e); if (key === resolve(ARROW_LEFT)) { Splide2.go("<"); } else if (key === resolve(ARROW_RIGHT)) { Splide2.go(">"); } } } return { mount: mount, destroy: destroy, disable: disable }; } var SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE = DATA_ATTRIBUTE + "-lazy"; var SRCSET_DATA_ATTRIBUTE = SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE + "-srcset"; var IMAGE_SELECTOR = "[" + SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE + "], [" + SRCSET_DATA_ATTRIBUTE + "]"; function LazyLoad(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface11 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface11.on, off =, bind = _EventInterface11.bind, emit = _EventInterface11.emit; var isSequential = options.lazyLoad === "sequential"; var events = [EVENT_MOVED, EVENT_SCROLLED]; var entries = []; function mount() { if (options.lazyLoad) { init(); on(EVENT_REFRESH, init); } } function init() { empty(entries); register(); if (isSequential) { loadNext(); } else { off(events); on(events, check); check(); } } function register() { Components2.Slides.forEach(function (Slide) { queryAll(Slide.slide, IMAGE_SELECTOR).forEach(function (img) { var src = getAttribute(img, SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE); var srcset = getAttribute(img, SRCSET_DATA_ATTRIBUTE); if (src !== img.src || srcset !== img.srcset) { var className = options.classes.spinner; var parent = img.parentElement; var spinner = child(parent, "." + className) || create("span", className, parent); entries.push([img, Slide, spinner]); img.src || display(img, "none"); } }); }); } function check() { entries = entries.filter(function (data) { var distance = options.perPage * ((options.preloadPages || 1) + 1) - 1; return data[1].isWithin(Splide2.index, distance) ? load(data) : true; }); entries.length || off(events); } function load(data) { var img = data[0]; addClass(data[1].slide, CLASS_LOADING); bind(img, "load error", apply(onLoad, data)); setAttribute(img, "src", getAttribute(img, SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE)); setAttribute(img, "srcset", getAttribute(img, SRCSET_DATA_ATTRIBUTE)); removeAttribute(img, SRC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE); removeAttribute(img, SRCSET_DATA_ATTRIBUTE); } function onLoad(data, e) { var img = data[0], Slide = data[1]; removeClass(Slide.slide, CLASS_LOADING); if (e.type !== "error") { remove(data[2]); display(img, ""); emit(EVENT_LAZYLOAD_LOADED, img, Slide); emit(EVENT_RESIZE); } isSequential && loadNext(); } function loadNext() { entries.length && load(entries.shift()); } return { mount: mount, destroy: apply(empty, entries), check: check }; } function Pagination(Splide2, Components2, options) { var event = EventInterface(Splide2); var on = event.on, emit = event.emit, bind = event.bind; var Slides = Components2.Slides, Elements = Components2.Elements, Controller = Components2.Controller; var hasFocus = Controller.hasFocus, getIndex = Controller.getIndex, go = Controller.go; var resolve = Components2.Direction.resolve; var placeholder = Elements.pagination; var items = []; var list; var paginationClasses; function mount() { destroy(); on([EVENT_UPDATED, EVENT_REFRESH, EVENT_END_INDEX_CHANGED], mount); var enabled = options.pagination; placeholder && display(placeholder, enabled ? "" : "none"); if (enabled) { on([EVENT_MOVE, EVENT_SCROLL, EVENT_SCROLLED], update); createPagination(); update(); emit(EVENT_PAGINATION_MOUNTED, { list: list, items: items }, getAt(Splide2.index)); } } function destroy() { if (list) { remove(placeholder ? slice(list.children) : list); removeClass(list, paginationClasses); empty(items); list = null; } event.destroy(); } function createPagination() { var length = Splide2.length; var classes = options.classes, i18n = options.i18n, perPage = options.perPage; var max = hasFocus() ? Controller.getEnd() + 1 : ceil(length / perPage); list = placeholder || create("ul", classes.pagination, Elements.track.parentElement); addClass(list, paginationClasses = CLASS_PAGINATION + "--" + getDirection()); setAttribute(list, ROLE, "tablist"); setAttribute(list, ARIA_LABEL,; setAttribute(list, ARIA_ORIENTATION, getDirection() === TTB ? "vertical" : ""); for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) { var li = create("li", null, list); var button = create("button", { class:, type: "button" }, li); var controls = Slides.getIn(i).map(function (Slide) { return; }); var text = !hasFocus() && perPage > 1 ? i18n.pageX : i18n.slideX; bind(button, "click", apply(onClick, i)); if (options.paginationKeyboard) { bind(button, "keydown", apply(onKeydown, i)); } setAttribute(li, ROLE, "presentation"); setAttribute(button, ROLE, "tab"); setAttribute(button, ARIA_CONTROLS, controls.join(" ")); setAttribute(button, ARIA_LABEL, format(text, i + 1)); setAttribute(button, TAB_INDEX, -1); items.push({ li: li, button: button, page: i }); } } function onClick(page) { go(">" + page, true); } function onKeydown(page, e) { var length = items.length; var key = normalizeKey(e); var dir = getDirection(); var nextPage = -1; if (key === resolve(ARROW_RIGHT, false, dir)) { nextPage = ++page % length; } else if (key === resolve(ARROW_LEFT, false, dir)) { nextPage = (--page + length) % length; } else if (key === "Home") { nextPage = 0; } else if (key === "End") { nextPage = length - 1; } var item = items[nextPage]; if (item) { focus(item.button); go(">" + nextPage); prevent(e, true); } } function getDirection() { return options.paginationDirection || options.direction; } function getAt(index) { return items[Controller.toPage(index)]; } function update() { var prev = getAt(getIndex(true)); var curr = getAt(getIndex()); if (prev) { var button = prev.button; removeClass(button, CLASS_ACTIVE); removeAttribute(button, ARIA_SELECTED); setAttribute(button, TAB_INDEX, -1); } if (curr) { var _button = curr.button; addClass(_button, CLASS_ACTIVE); setAttribute(_button, ARIA_SELECTED, true); setAttribute(_button, TAB_INDEX, ""); } emit(EVENT_PAGINATION_UPDATED, { list: list, items: items }, prev, curr); } return { items: items, mount: mount, destroy: destroy, getAt: getAt, update: update }; } var TRIGGER_KEYS = [" ", "Enter"]; function Sync(Splide2, Components2, options) { var isNavigation = options.isNavigation, slideFocus = options.slideFocus; var events = []; function mount() { Splide2.splides.forEach(function (target) { if (!target.isParent) { sync(Splide2, target.splide); sync(target.splide, Splide2); } }); if (isNavigation) { navigate(); } } function destroy() { events.forEach(function (event) { event.destroy(); }); empty(events); } function remount() { destroy(); mount(); } function sync(splide, target) { var event = EventInterface(splide); event.on(EVENT_MOVE, function (index, prev, dest) { target.go( ? dest : index); }); events.push(event); } function navigate() { var event = EventInterface(Splide2); var on = event.on; on(EVENT_CLICK, onClick); on(EVENT_SLIDE_KEYDOWN, onKeydown); on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_UPDATED], update); events.push(event); event.emit(EVENT_NAVIGATION_MOUNTED, Splide2.splides); } function update() { setAttribute(Components2.Elements.list, ARIA_ORIENTATION, options.direction === TTB ? "vertical" : ""); } function onClick(Slide) { Splide2.go(Slide.index); } function onKeydown(Slide, e) { if (includes(TRIGGER_KEYS, normalizeKey(e))) { onClick(Slide); prevent(e); } } return { setup: apply(Components2.Media.set, { slideFocus: isUndefined(slideFocus) ? isNavigation : slideFocus }, true), mount: mount, destroy: destroy, remount: remount }; } function Wheel(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface12 = EventInterface(Splide2), bind = _EventInterface12.bind; var lastTime = 0; function mount() { if (options.wheel) { bind(Components2.Elements.track, "wheel", onWheel, SCROLL_LISTENER_OPTIONS); } } function onWheel(e) { if (e.cancelable) { var deltaY = e.deltaY; var backwards = deltaY < 0; var timeStamp = timeOf(e); var _min = options.wheelMinThreshold || 0; var sleep = options.wheelSleep || 0; if (abs(deltaY) > _min && timeStamp - lastTime > sleep) { Splide2.go(backwards ? "<" : ">"); lastTime = timeStamp; } shouldPrevent(backwards) && prevent(e); } } function shouldPrevent(backwards) { return !options.releaseWheel || || Components2.Controller.getAdjacent(backwards) !== -1; } return { mount: mount }; } var SR_REMOVAL_DELAY = 90; function Live(Splide2, Components2, options) { var _EventInterface13 = EventInterface(Splide2), on = _EventInterface13.on; var track = Components2.Elements.track; var enabled = && !options.isNavigation; var sr = create("span", CLASS_SR); var interval = RequestInterval(SR_REMOVAL_DELAY, apply(toggle, false)); function mount() { if (enabled) { disable(!Components2.Autoplay.isPaused()); setAttribute(track, ARIA_ATOMIC, true); sr.textContent = "\u2026"; on(EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PLAY, apply(disable, true)); on(EVENT_AUTOPLAY_PAUSE, apply(disable, false)); on([EVENT_MOVED, EVENT_SCROLLED], apply(toggle, true)); } } function toggle(active) { setAttribute(track, ARIA_BUSY, active); if (active) { append(track, sr); interval.start(); } else { remove(sr); interval.cancel(); } } function destroy() { removeAttribute(track, [ARIA_LIVE, ARIA_ATOMIC, ARIA_BUSY]); remove(sr); } function disable(disabled) { if (enabled) { setAttribute(track, ARIA_LIVE, disabled ? "off" : "polite"); } } return { mount: mount, disable: disable, destroy: destroy }; } var ComponentConstructors = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Media: Media, Direction: Direction, Elements: Elements, Slides: Slides, Layout: Layout, Clones: Clones, Move: Move, Controller: Controller, Arrows: Arrows, Autoplay: Autoplay, Cover: Cover, Scroll: Scroll, Drag: Drag, Keyboard: Keyboard, LazyLoad: LazyLoad, Pagination: Pagination, Sync: Sync, Wheel: Wheel, Live: Live }); var I18N = { prev: "Previous slide", next: "Next slide", first: "Go to first slide", last: "Go to last slide", slideX: "Go to slide %s", pageX: "Go to page %s", play: "Start autoplay", pause: "Pause autoplay", carousel: "carousel", slide: "slide", select: "Select a slide to show", slideLabel: "%s of %s" }; var DEFAULTS = { type: "slide", role: "region", speed: 400, perPage: 1, cloneStatus: true, arrows: true, pagination: true, paginationKeyboard: true, interval: 5e3, pauseOnHover: true, pauseOnFocus: true, resetProgress: true, easing: "cubic-bezier(0.25, 1, 0.5, 1)", drag: true, direction: "ltr", trimSpace: true, focusableNodes: "a, button, textarea, input, select, iframe", live: true, classes: CLASSES, i18n: I18N, reducedMotion: { speed: 0, rewindSpeed: 0, autoplay: "pause" } }; function Fade(Splide2, Components2, options) { var Slides = Components2.Slides; function mount() { EventInterface(Splide2).on([EVENT_MOUNTED, EVENT_REFRESH], init); } function init() { Slides.forEach(function (Slide) {"transform", "translateX(-" + 100 * Slide.index + "%)"); }); } function start(index, done) {"transition", "opacity " + options.speed + "ms " + options.easing); nextTick(done); } return { mount: mount, start: start, cancel: noop }; } function Slide(Splide2, Components2, options) { var Move = Components2.Move, Controller = Components2.Controller, Scroll = Components2.Scroll; var list = Components2.Elements.list; var transition = apply(style, list, "transition"); var endCallback; function mount() { EventInterface(Splide2).bind(list, "transitionend", function (e) { if ( === list && endCallback) { cancel(); endCallback(); } }); } function start(index, done) { var destination = Move.toPosition(index, true); var position = Move.getPosition(); var speed = getSpeed(index); if (abs(destination - position) >= 1 && speed >= 1) { if (options.useScroll) { Scroll.scroll(destination, speed, false, done); } else { transition("transform " + speed + "ms " + options.easing); Move.translate(destination, true); endCallback = done; } } else { Move.jump(index); done(); } } function cancel() { transition(""); Scroll.cancel(); } function getSpeed(index) { var rewindSpeed = options.rewindSpeed; if ( && rewindSpeed) { var prev = Controller.getIndex(true); var end = Controller.getEnd(); if (prev === 0 && index >= end || prev >= end && index === 0) { return rewindSpeed; } } return options.speed; } return { mount: mount, start: start, cancel: cancel }; } var _Splide = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function _Splide(target, options) { this.event = EventInterface(); this.Components = {}; this.state = State(CREATED); this.splides = []; this._o = {}; this._E = {}; var root = isString(target) ? query(document, target) : target; assert(root, root + " is invalid."); this.root = root; options = merge({ label: getAttribute(root, ARIA_LABEL) || "", labelledby: getAttribute(root, ARIA_LABELLEDBY) || "" }, DEFAULTS, _Splide.defaults, options || {}); try { merge(options, JSON.parse(getAttribute(root, DATA_ATTRIBUTE))); } catch (e) { assert(false, "Invalid JSON"); } this._o = Object.create(merge({}, options)); } var _proto = _Splide.prototype; _proto.mount = function mount(Extensions, Transition) { var _this = this; var state = this.state, Components2 = this.Components; assert([CREATED, DESTROYED]), "Already mounted!"); state.set(CREATED); this._C = Components2; this._T = Transition || this._T || ( ? Fade : Slide); this._E = Extensions || this._E; var Constructors = assign({}, ComponentConstructors, this._E, { Transition: this._T }); forOwn(Constructors, function (Component, key) { var component = Component(_this, Components2, _this._o); Components2[key] = component; component.setup && component.setup(); }); forOwn(Components2, function (component) { component.mount && component.mount(); }); this.emit(EVENT_MOUNTED); addClass(this.root, CLASS_INITIALIZED); state.set(IDLE); this.emit(EVENT_READY); return this; }; _proto.sync = function sync(splide) { this.splides.push({ splide: splide }); splide.splides.push({ splide: this, isParent: true }); if ( { this._C.Sync.remount(); splide.Components.Sync.remount(); } return this; }; _proto.go = function go(control) { this._C.Controller.go(control); return this; }; _proto.on = function on(events, callback) { this.event.on(events, callback); return this; }; = function off(events) {; return this; }; _proto.emit = function emit(event) { var _this$event; (_this$event = this.event).emit.apply(_this$event, [event].concat(slice(arguments, 1))); return this; }; _proto.add = function add(slides, index) { this._C.Slides.add(slides, index); return this; }; _proto.remove = function remove(matcher) { this._C.Slides.remove(matcher); return this; }; = function is(type) { return this._o.type === type; }; _proto.refresh = function refresh() { this.emit(EVENT_REFRESH); return this; }; _proto.destroy = function destroy(completely) { if (completely === void 0) { completely = true; } var event = this.event, state = this.state; if ( { EventInterface(this).on(EVENT_READY, this.destroy.bind(this, completely)); } else { forOwn(this._C, function (component) { component.destroy && component.destroy(completely); }, true); event.emit(EVENT_DESTROY); event.destroy(); completely && empty(this.splides); state.set(DESTROYED); } return this; }; _createClass(_Splide, [{ key: "options", get: function get() { return this._o; }, set: function set(options) { this._C.Media.set(options, true, true); } }, { key: "length", get: function get() { return this._C.Slides.getLength(true); } }, { key: "index", get: function get() { return this._C.Controller.getIndex(); } }]); return _Splide; }(); var Splide = _Splide; Splide.defaults = {}; Splide.STATES = STATES; return Splide; });
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully integrated this Multi Item Carousel JavaScript code snippet into your project. If you have any questions or facing any issues, feel free to comment below.
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