Simple Range Slider Plugin for jQuery
Simple, easy to use range slider plugin for jQuery to handle number inputs. The plugin offers to handle minimum, maximum…
Simple, easy to use range slider plugin for jQuery to handle number inputs. The plugin offers to handle minimum, maximum…
An awesome jQuery plugin to zoom images on hover, click and grab event. It support touch to zoom images smoothly….
The LC-Lightbox is a jQuery image Gallery with thumbnails and Zoom. This feature-rich gallery comes with ultimate features/options including thumbnails,…
A responsive jQuery flyout menu plugin best for displaying social media profile links with icons. The plugin creates a fixed…
A lightweight jQuery plugin to show success, info, warning and error alert message with Bootstrap 3+ and Bootstrap 4.x alert…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a parallax moving effect on the hover event. It gets the page…
This lightweight JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a progress bar with percentages. It uses custom HTML tags for…
The “Form Validation” is a lightweight JavaScript plugin to validate the contact form. It uses the JavaScript RegExp object to…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create copy to clipboard button. It uses Document.execCommand() feature to run copy command…
This Vanilla JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a flipbook image slider. It comes with next and previous buttons…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create image grid with different sizes and width. It arrange images in a…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create a responsive accordion with arrow icons. It is based on simple idea…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create an accordion with smooth transition. It comes with a simple and clean…
This JavaScript code snippet helps you to create modal popup for Subscribe to our Newsletter HTML form. It comes with…
The Splide JS is a lightweight, powerful and flexible JavaScript slider plugin that helps you to create multi item carousel….
Parallax tilt effect is one of the creative animations in web design. In this animation, the selected element tilts by…
This CSS code snippet helps you to create card split overlay effect on hover. Basically, it uses splitting jQuery plugin…
This Vanilla JavaScript code snippet helps you to create 3D carousel slider with arrow buttons. It uses Font Awesome icons…
This HTML and CSS code snippet helps you to create an isometric perspective card grid layout. It uses CSS translate…
This HTML and CSS code snippet helps you to create a process steps with icons. It comes a horizontal layout…
This JavaScript and CSS code snippet helps you to create light/dark theme toggle functionality for your website. It comes with…
This HTML and CSS code snippet helps you to create a modern sidebar menu. Basically, it comes with a simple…
Product card is highly used to represent a product specially on eCommerce websites. This responsive Bootstrap 5 product card template…
This lightweight Bootstrap Card helps to present products, services, prices, samples, etc. As it can be used for E-commerce purposes….
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