This Vanilla JS code snippet helps you to create a smooth scroll to anchor. It smoothly jumps to the section while clicking on the hash anchor. You can use this to create a table of contents or reference section.
How to Create Smooth Scroll to Anchor Vanilla JS
1. First of all, create the HTML structure as follows:
<div class="container"> <div class="filler anchor" id="anchor1">anchor1</div> <div class="links"> <a id="anchor1Link" href="#anchor1">Anchor 1</a> <a id="anchor2Link" href="#anchor2">Anchor 2</a> <a id="anchor3Link" href="#anchor3">Anchor 3</a> <a id="anchor4Link" href="#anchor4">Anchor 4</a> </div> <div class="longText"> <p id="anchor2" class="anchor">anchor2 : This is a line, and there will be more after me.</p> <p id="anchor3" class="anchor">anchor3 : This is a line, and there will be more after me.</p> <p id="anchor4" class="anchor">anchor4 : This is a line, and there will be more after me.</p> </div> <div class="links"> <a id="anchor1Link2" href="#anchor1">Anchor 1</a> <a id="anchor2Link2" href="#anchor2">Anchor 2</a> <a id="anchor3Link2" href="#anchor3">Anchor 3</a> <a id="anchor4Link2" href="#anchor4">Anchor 4</a> </div> <div class="filler"></div> </div>
2. After that, add the following CSS styles to your project:
.links { margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 2rem; } .links a { font-size: 1.4rem; color: #006080; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.5s ease, border-bottom 0.5s ease; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; } .links a:hover { color: #646415; border-bottom: 2px solid yellow; } .links a:not(:last-of-type) { margin-right: 2rem; } .longText > p:last-of-type:after { content: "...or not ;)"; } .anchor { color: lime; font-weight: bold; } p { margin: 0; text-align: center; } .container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } a.button { color: yellow; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.3s ease; } a.button:focus { outline: none; } a.button:hover { color: lime; } .button2 { background-color: deeppink; color: white; border: 1px solid red; border-radius: 2px; height: 30px; cursor: pointer; outline: none; } .button2:focus, .button2:active { outline: none; }
3. Finally, add the following JavaScript code and done.
(function () { let d = document; function init() { //Links let anchor1Link = d.getElementById('anchor1Link'); let anchor2Link = d.getElementById('anchor2Link'); let anchor3Link = d.getElementById('anchor3Link'); let anchor4Link = d.getElementById('anchor4Link'); let anchor1Link2 = d.getElementById('anchor1Link2'); let anchor2Link2 = d.getElementById('anchor2Link2'); let anchor3Link2 = d.getElementById('anchor3Link2'); let anchor4Link2 = d.getElementById('anchor4Link2'); //Anchors let anchor1 = d.getElementById('anchor1'); let anchor2 = d.getElementById('anchor2'); let anchor3 = d.getElementById('anchor3'); let anchor4 = d.getElementById('anchor4'); anchor1Link.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor1, e);}, false); anchor1Link2.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor1, e);}, false); anchor2Link.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor2, e);}, false); anchor2Link2.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor2, e);}, false); // anchor2Link.onclick = function() { scrollToSimple(document.documentElement, 500, 3000); } // anchor2Link2.onclick = function() { scrollToSimple(document.documentElement, 0, 3000); } anchor3Link.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor3, e);}, false); anchor3Link2.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor3, e);}, false); anchor4Link.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor4.offsetTop, e);}, false); anchor4Link2.addEventListener('click', e => {scrollTo(anchor4.offsetTop, e);}, false); console.log(anchor2); //DEBUG console.log('anchor1: ' + scrollTopValue(anchor1) + ' / ' + offsetTopValue(anchor1)); //DEBUG console.log('anchor2: ' + scrollTopValue(anchor2) + ' / ' + offsetTopValue(anchor2)); //DEBUG console.log('anchor3: ' + scrollTopValue(anchor3) + ' / ' + offsetTopValue(anchor3)); //DEBUG console.log('anchor4: ' + scrollTopValue(anchor4) + ' / ' + offsetTopValue(anchor4)); //DEBUG // d.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => { console.log(e) }, false); //DEBUG console.log('App loaded. Have fun!'); } function scrollTopValue(domElement) {//DEBUG return 'scrollTopValue:', domElement.scrollTop; } function offsetTopValue(domElement) {//DEBUG return 'offsetTopValue:', domElement.offsetTop; } /*function scrollToSimple(element, to, duration) { //FIXME finish this if (duration < 0) return; var difference = to - element.offsetTop; var perTick = difference / duration * 10; console.log('perTick', perTick); //DEBUG setTimeout(function() { console.log('element.scrollTop:', element.scrollTop); //DEBUG element.scrollTop += perTick; console.log('element.scrollTop:', element.scrollTop); //DEBUG scrollTo(element, to, duration - 10); }, 10); }*/ //cf. // requestAnimationFrame for Smart Animating var requestAnimFrame = function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; }(); function scrollTo(to, callback, duration = 1500) {//FIXME this always starts from '0', instead of the clicked element offsetTop -> This is because the position is calculated for the main <html> element, not the <iframe>'s <html> tag /*console.log('from:', from); //DEBUG // console.log('from.clientY:', from.clientY); //DEBUG // console.log('',; //DEBUG // console.log('position():', document.documentElement.offsetTop || document.body.parentNode.offsetTop || document.body.offsetTop); //DEBUG // console.log('document.documentElement:', document.documentElement); //DEBUG // console.log('document.body:', document.body); //DEBUG let start; if (isMouseEvent(from)) { //FIXME : the scroll starts at the link, not where the screen really is : fix that // start =; start = from.pageY; //FIXME } else { start = from; }*/ if (isDomElement(to)) { // console.log('this is an element:', to); //DEBUG to = to.offsetTop; } /*else { // console.log('this is NOT an element:', to); //DEBUG }*/ // because it's so fucking difficult to detect the scrolling element, just move them all function move(amount) { // document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = amount; //FIXME Test that document.documentElement.scrollTop = amount; document.body.parentNode.scrollTop = amount; document.body.scrollTop = amount; } function position() { return document.documentElement.offsetTop || document.body.parentNode.offsetTop || document.body.offsetTop; } var start = position(), change = to - start, currentTime = 0, increment = 20; console.log('start:', start); //DEBUG console.log('to:', to); //DEBUG console.log('change:', change); //DEBUG var animateScroll = function () { // increment the time currentTime += increment; // find the value with the quadratic in-out easing function var val = Math.easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration); // move the document.body move(val); // do the animation unless its over if (currentTime < duration) { requestAnimFrame(animateScroll); } else { if (callback && typeof callback === 'function') { // the animation is done so lets callback callback(); } } }; animateScroll(); } init(); })(); //-------------------- Unimportant js functions -------------------- // easing functions //t = current time //b = start value //c = change in value //d = duration Math.easeInOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) { return c / 2 * t * t + b; } t--; return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; }; Math.easeInCubic = function (t, b, c, d) { var tc = (t /= d) * t * t; return b + c * tc; }; Math.inOutQuintic = function (t, b, c, d) { var ts = (t /= d) * t, tc = ts * t; return b + c * (6 * tc * ts + -15 * ts * ts + 10 * tc); }; function isDomElement(obj) { return obj instanceof Element; } function isMouseEvent(obj) { return obj instanceof MouseEvent; } function findScrollingElement(element) {//FIXME Test this too do { if (element.clientHeight < element.scrollHeight || element.clientWidth < element.scrollWidth) { return element; } } while (element = element.parentNode); }
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully integrated this smooth scroll to anchor code snippet into your project. If you have any questions or are facing any issues, please feel free to comment below.
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