A jQuery and CSS based plugin to create responsive, cross browser and mobile friendly simple accordion plugin with arrows. The plugin used the CSS transitions to smoothly expand and close accordion.
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Plugin Overview
Plugin: | accordion |
Author: | Victor Fernandez |
Licence: | MIT Licence |
Published: | January 19, 2024 |
Repository: | Fork on GitHub |
Dependencies: | jQuery 1.11.1 or Latest version |
File Type: | zip archive (HTML, CSS & JavaScript) |
Package Size: | 11 KB |
How to Use Accordion Plugin with Arrows:
1. To use this accordion plugin, load the jQuery, accordion js and CSS files into HTML document.
<!--jQuery--> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <!--Accordion Js--> <script src="js/jquery.accordion.js"></script> <!--Accordion CSS--> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.accordion.css">
2. To create a simple accordion with arrows, build HTML structure like this.
<section id="simple" data-accordion> <button data-control>Simple Accordion</button> <div data-content> <article>jQuery simple Accordion content goes here.. </article> <article>Item</article> <article>Item</article> <article>Item</article> <article>Item</article> <article>Item</article> </div> </section>
3. Active the plugin by calling with the selector $('#simple[data-accordion]')
in jQuery document ready function.
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion(); });
4. Control the speed of transition when accordion will collapse. Default: 300 ms, type: int
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ transitionSpeed: 500, });
5. The following option describe the CSS easing properties for transitions. Default: ease, type: string
Available options are all CSS easing properties.
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ transitionEasing: 'ease-in', });
6. Decide weather to open a single accordion or others also. Default: true, type: bool
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ singleOpen: true, });
7. CSS selector for the element acting as a button inside accordions. Type: string
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ controlElement: '[data-control]', });
8. CSS selector for the element containing hide/show content.
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ contentElement: '[data-content]', });
9. CSS selector for a parent element containing a group of accordions.
$('#simple[data-accordion]').accordion({ groupElement: '[data-accordion-group]', });
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