This JavaScript code helps crop images within a canvas. It allows defining and positioning cropped areas, enabling image selection. The main method, “drawImage,” facilitates displaying specific image portions, useful for customized image previews or selections.
You can use this code on websites to let users crop images interactively. It’s handy for profile picture uploads, enabling users to select and preview the desired image section before finalizing their choice. This feature can enhance user experience by providing customization options while ensuring the selected image fits perfectly.
How to Create Crop Image In Canvas Using Javascript
1. Begin by structuring the HTML file. Create a canvas for displaying the original image and another canvas for the cropped image. Include a container for these elements and a placeholder for instructions or descriptions.
<h1>Cropping an image using HTML5 Canvas</h1> <div class="wrapper"> <canvas id='c1'></canvas><!-- --><canvas id='c2'></canvas> <p id="output"></p> <p>Move the cropping bars to enclose the desired area of interest (left canvas).<br>Then you may drag to reposition the cropped image (right canvas).</p> </div>
2. Style your elements using CSS to define the layout, canvas dimensions, and appearance of the cropping bars.
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #eee; font-family: Courier, monospace; font-size: 16px; text-align: center; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } .wrapper { display: block; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; width: 844px; } canvas { margin: 10px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid #333; display: inline-block; } p { text-align: left; margin-left: 10px; } h1 { font-size: 1.5em; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; padding: 1em 0 0; } /*#c1 { background-image: url( }*/
3. Finally, add the following JavaScript function into your project. It handles the cropping functionality and user interactions. Replace the theImage
variable in the JavaScript code with the URL of the image you want to use. Modify the variables (sx
, sy
, sw
, sh
) to specify the desired cropped area.
var proportion = .8; // you may change the proportion for the cropped image. var theImage = ""; /* original image: ---------------------------- | | | | |sy | |_____|____________ | | sx | | | | | | | | | | sh | | | | | | |___________| | | sw | | | | | |__________________________| cropped image: ---------------------------- | | | | |y | |_____|_________ | | x | | | | | | h | | |________| | | w | | | | | |__________________________| ctx.drawImage(img,sx,sy,sw,sh,x,y,w,h) */ var output = document.getElementById("output"); var c1 = document.getElementById("c1"); var ctx1 = c1.getContext("2d"); var c2 = document.getElementById("c2"); var ctx2 = c2.getContext("2d"); var cw = c1.width = c2.width = 400, cx = cw / 2; var ch = c1.height = c2.height = 400, cy = ch / 2; var isDragging1 = false; var isDragging2 = false; var sy = 20; var sx = 130; var sw = 200; var sh = 200; var r = 4; var mousePos1 = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var mousePos2 = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var o = { // cropping bars "sx": { color: "white", x: 0, y: sy, w: cw, h: r, bool: false, }, "sy": { color: "yellow", x: sx, y: 0, w: r, h: ch, bool: false, }, "sw": { color: "orange", x: 0, y: sy + sh, w: cw, h: r, bool: false, }, "sh": { color: "red", x: sx + sw, y: 0, w: r, h: ch, bool: false, } } function drawGuides(o) { for (k in o) { ctx1.fillStyle = o[k].color; ctx1.beginPath(); ctx1.fillRect(o[k].x, o[k].y, o[k].w, o[k].h); } } function Imgo(o, d) { // an object defining the cropped image var imgo = { sx:, sy:, sw: -, sh: o.sw.y -, w: ~~(( - * proportion), h: ~~((o.sw.y - * proportion), x: d.x, y: d.y } return imgo; } var d = { x: ~~(cx - sw * proportion / 2), y: ~~(cy - sh * proportion / 2) } function Output(Imgo, output) { output.innerHTML = "ctx.drawImage(img," + + "," + + "," + imgo.sw + "," + + "," + imgo.x + "," + imgo.y + "," + imgo.w + "," + imgo.h + ")"; } function drawCroppedImage(imgo) { ctx2.drawImage(img,,, imgo.sw,, imgo.x, imgo.y, imgo.w, imgo.h); } function outlineImage(imgo) { ctx2.beginPath(); ctx2.rect(imgo.x, imgo.y, imgo.w, imgo.h); } function cursorStyleC1() { = "default"; for (k in o) { //o[k].bool = false; ctx1.beginPath(); ctx1.rect(o[k].x - 10, o[k].y - 10, o[k].w + 20, o[k].h + 20); if (ctx1.isPointInPath(mousePos1.x, mousePos1.y)) { if (k == "sx" || k == "sw") { = "row-resize"; } else { = "col-resize"; } break; } else { = "default"; } } } function cursorStyleC2() { = "default"; outlineImage(imgo); if (ctx2.isPointInPath(mousePos2.x, mousePos2.y)) { = "move"; } else { = "default"; } } drawGuides(o); var imgo = Imgo(o, d); // an object defining the cropped image Output(Imgo, output); // text: "drawImage(img,130,10,200,220,150,145,100,110)"; var img = new Image(); img.src = theImage; img.onload = function() { = "url("+theImage+")"; drawCroppedImage(imgo); } // mousedown *************************** c1.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) { isDragging1 = true; mousePos1 = oMousePos(c1, evt); for (k in o) { ctx1.beginPath(); ctx1.rect(o[k].x - 10, o[k].y - 10, o[k].w + 20, o[k].h + 20); if (ctx1.isPointInPath(mousePos1.x, mousePos1.y)) { o[k].bool = true; if (k == "sx" || k == "sw") { o[k].y = mousePos1.y; } else { o[k].x = mousePos1.x; } break; } else { o[k].bool = false; } } Output(Imgo, output); }, false); c2.addEventListener('mousedown', function(evt) { mousePos2 = oMousePos(c2, evt); outlineImage(imgo) if (ctx2.isPointInPath(mousePos2.x, mousePos2.y)) { isDragging2 = true; deltaX = mousePos2.x - imgo.x; deltaY = mousePos2.y - imgo.y; Output(Imgo, output); } }, false); // mousemove *************************** c1.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) { mousePos1 = oMousePos(c1, evt); //console.log(mousePos) cursorStyleC1(); if (isDragging1 == true) { ctx1.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch); for (k in o) { if (o[k].bool) { if (k == "sx" || k == "sw") { o[k].y = mousePos1.y; } else { o[k].x = mousePos1.x; } break; } } drawGuides(o); ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch); imgo = Imgo(o, d); drawCroppedImage(imgo); Output(Imgo, output); } }, false); c2.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) { mousePos2 = oMousePos(c2, evt); if (isDragging2 == true) { ctx2.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch); d.x = mousePos2.x - deltaX; d.y = mousePos2.y - deltaY; imgo = Imgo(o, d); drawCroppedImage(imgo); Output(Imgo, output); } cursorStyleC2(); }, false); // mouseup *************************** c1.addEventListener('mouseup', function(evt) { isDragging1 = false; for (k in o) { o[k].bool = false; } }, false); c2.addEventListener('mouseup', function(evt) { isDragging2 = false; }, false); // mouseout *************************** c1.addEventListener('mouseout', function(evt) { isDragging1 = false; for (k in o) { o[k].bool = false; } }, false); c2.addEventListener('mouseout', function(evt) { isDragging2 = false; }, false); function oMousePos(canvas, evt) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: Math.round(evt.clientX - rect.left), y: Math.round(evt.clientY - } }
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created a functionality to crop image in canvas using JavaScript. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.
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