jQuery Flexslider a Responsive Thumbnail Slider

The FlexSlider is highly customizable plugin for jQuery to create all kind of carousel/slider on a website. This plugin allows you to create a responsive thumbnail slider, content/text, video slider and image slider with caption, etc. It comes with multiple configuration options to customize each functionality of the slider.

Moreover, the FlexSlider supports touch, keyboard navigation and mousewheel to slide items. Besides this, it also supports CSS3 animations and HTML5 videos in sliding items.


Plugin Overview and Preview

Plugin: FlexSlider
Author: WooCommerce
Category: Carousel
Published: January 20, 2024
File Type: zip archive (HTML, CSS, Images & JavaScript )
Package Size: File not found!
Dependencies: jQuery 1.7.0 or Latest version
Last Modified:

How to Create a Responsive Thumbnail Slider

1. To create “responsive thumbnail slider”, we need to getting started with FlexSlider. So, load the (minefield version of) jQuery into your website.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>

2. Similarly, include the FlexSlider’s CSS and JavaScript file in your website/app.

<!-- FlexSlider CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/flexslider.css">
<!-- FlexSlider JS -->
<script src="js/jquery.flexslider.js"></script>

3. Now, create a div element with id “slider” and place your main images in it. Likewise, create another div with id “carousel” and place your thumbnails links in it.

<section class="slider">
   <div id="slider" class="flexslider">
      <ul class="slides">
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />
   <div id="carousel" class="flexslider">
      <ul class="slides">
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_cheesecake_brownie.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_lemon.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_donut.jpg" />
            <img src="images/kitchen_adventurer_caramel.jpg" />

4. When all was done, initialize the plugin (with following configurations) in jQuery document ready function.

        animation: "slide",
        controlNav: false,
        animationLoop: false,
        slideshow: false,
        itemWidth: 210,
        itemMargin: 5,
        asNavFor: '#slider'
        animation: "slide",
        controlNav: false,
        animationLoop: false,
        slideshow: false,
        sync: "#carousel",
        start: function(slider){

FlexSlider Advance Configuration Options

The following are some advanced configuration options to create / customize responsive thumbnail slider.

Option Default Type Description
slideshow true Boolean Enable/disable slideshow (autoplay) functionality.


	slideshow : true,
animation “fade” String Define an animation for sliding items. Possible options are: “fade” or “slide”.


	animation : "fade",
direction “horizontal” String This option define the direction for sliding items. The possible options are: “horizontal” and “vertical”.


	direction : "horizontal",
reverse false Boolean Decide whether to reverse animation direction.


	reverse : false,
animationLoop true Boolean Enable/disable loop for animations.


	animationLoop : true,
slideshowSpeed 7000 Number Define the speed for slideshow in milliseconds.


	slideshowSpeed : 7000,
animationSpeed 600 Number It define the speed for animation in milliseconds.


	animationSpeed : 600,
initDelay 0 Number Generally, this option define the initialization delay.


	initDelay : 0,
randomize false Boolean If you want to show your image in random order, then this option is useful.


	randomize : false,
pauseOnAction true Boolean This option pause the slider when a user interact with controls.


	pauseOnAction : true,
pauseOnHover false Boolean Decide whether to pause slideshow on hover.


	pauseOnHover : false,
useCSS true Boolean Lets slider to use CSS3 transitions if available.


	useCSS : true,
touch true Boolean Enable/disable touch for slider.


	touch : true,
video false Boolean If you placed some videos in the slider, turn this option to true.


	video : false,
prevText “Previous” String Define the text for previous slide button.


	prevText : "Previous",
nextText “Next” String It define the text for next slide button.


	nextText : "Next",
keyboard true Boolean Enable/disable keyboard navigation.


	keyboard : true,
mousewheel false Boolean If you want to scroll item with mousewheel, turn this option to true. It requires jquery.mousewheel.js plugin.


	mousewheel : false,
sync “” String Mirror the action performed on this slider to another. Pass the selector in this option.


	sync : "",
itemWidth 0 Number It define the with for carousel item.


	itemWidth : 0,
itemMargin 0 Number Set the margin for carousel item.


	itemMargin : 0,
minItems 0 Number The minimum number to visible in the carousel.


	minItems : 0,
maxItems 0 Number The maximum number of item visible in the carousel.


	maxItems : 0,
move 0 Number It define the number of carousel item should move on animation.


	move : 0,

Flexslider Callback Functions

The following are some options to excute custom callback functions.

start: function(){},            
before: function(){},           
after: function(){},            
end: function(){},              
added: function(){},            
removed: function(){}
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