This JavaScript source code helps you to create an image slider. It comes with all basic features like slide images with next previous buttons, dots navigation, and slides/images counter. You can easily integrate this code to make a super lightweight image slider.
How to Create Image Slider in JavaScript Source Code
1. First of all, create the HTML structure as follows:
<div class="slider-container"> <div class="slides fade"> <div class="slider-numbers">1/4</div> <div class="slider-image"><img src="" alt="background_1"></div> <div class="slider-caption">Caption 1</div> </div> <!-- slider --> <div class="slides fade"> <div class="slider-numbers">2/4</div> <div class="slider-image"><img src="" alt="background_2"></div> <div class="slider-caption">Caption 2</div> </div> <!-- slider --> <div class="slides fade"> <div class="slider-numbers">3/4</div> <div class="slider-image"><img src="" alt="background_3"></div> <div class="slider-caption">Caption 3</div> </div> <!-- slider --> <div class="slides fade"> <div class="slider-numbers">4/4</div> <div class="slider-image"><img src="" alt="background_4"></div> <div class="slider-caption">Caption 4</div> </div> <!-- slider --> <!-- Slider Next and Previous buttons --> <a class="prev" onclick="plusIndex(-1)">❮</a> <a class="next" onclick="plusIndex(+1)">❯</a> <!-- Slider Selection Bullets --> <div class="slider-bullets" id="slider-bullets"> <span class="dots" onclick="currentSlide(1)"></span> <span class="dots" onclick="currentSlide(2)"></span> <span class="dots" onclick="currentSlide(3)"></span> <span class="dots" onclick="currentSlide(4)"></span> </div> <!-- Slider Bullets --> </div>
2. After that, add the following CSS styles to your project:
* { box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Tahoma, Arial; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } .slider-container { width: 720px; margin: auto; position: relative; } .slider-container .fade { animation-name: fade; animation-duration: 0.5s; } @keyframes fade { from {opacity: 0.4} to {opacity: 1} } .slider-container .slides .slider-numbers { position: absolute; padding: 15px; font-size: 15px; color: #FFF } .slider-container .slides .slider-caption { text-align: center; font-size: 20px; position: absolute; bottom: 15px; width: 100%; color: #FFF; padding: 10px; } .slider-container .prev, .slider-container .next { position: absolute; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px; font-size: 30px; text-decoration: none; } .slider-container .next { right: 0px; } .slider-container .prev:hover{ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); border-top-right-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; } .slider-container .next:hover { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; } .slider-container .slider-bullets { text-align: center; } .slider-container .slider-bullets .dots { display: inline-block; padding: 5px; width: 10px; height: 10px; background-color: #808080; border-radius: 50%; } .slider-container .slider-bullets .dots:hover { background-color: #383838; cursor: pointer; } .slider-container .slider-bullets .active { background-color: #383838; }
3. Finally, add the following JavaScript code and done.
var slideIndex = 1; function showImage(n) { // for Display the first Image 'use strict'; var slide = document.getElementsByClassName('slides'), dots = document.getElementsByClassName('dots'), i; if (n > slide.length) { // to prevent larger values than the slide length slideIndex = 1; } if (n < 1) { // to avoide negative values slideIndex = slide.length; } for (i = 0; i < slide.length; i++) { // to make other images dispaly: none slide[i].style.display = 'none'; } slide[slideIndex - 1].style.display = 'block'; for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) { // to remove the active class from other dots dots[i].className = dots[i].className.replace(' active', ''); } dots[slideIndex - 1].className += ' active'; } showImage(slideIndex); function plusIndex(n) { // for Next & Prev Actions 'use strict'; showImage(slideIndex += n); } function currentSlide(n) { // for Slide Bullets Selection 'use strict'; showImage(slideIndex = n); }
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully integrated this image slider code snippet into your project. If you have any questions or facing any issues, feel free to comment below.
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Hey, i can’t seem to be able to replace any image, because when i do so, the slider disappears completely, i tried both images from a folder and images with links and nothing works, is there a solution you can think of? Thank you.