jQuery Responsive Vertical Tabs to Accordion

A lightweight, cross browser and easy to use jQuery plugin to create / add Responsive Vertical Tabs to Accordion. It supports multiple sets of tabs on same page and link directly to specified tab.

Plugin Overview

Plugin: easyResponsiveTabs
Author: Samson Onna
Licence: MIT Licence
Published: January 18, 2024
Repository: Fork on GitHub
Dependencies: jQuery 1.5.1 or Latest version
File Type: zip archive (HTML, CSS & JavaScript)
Package Size: 73 KB

How to Use Responsive Vertical Tabs to Accordion :

1. Load the jQuery and easyResponsiveTabs‘s JavaScript file into HTML document.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>

<!-- easyResponsiveTabs Js -->
<script src="js/easyResponsiveTabs.js"></script>

2. Create the HTML for Tabs structure like below.

    <div id="demoTab">          
        <ul class="resp-tabs-list">
            <li> .... </li>
            <li> .... </li>
            <li> .... </li>

        <div class="resp-tabs-container">                                                        
            <div> ....... </div>
            <div> ....... </div>
            <div> ....... </div>

3. The following is the nested tabs structure.

    <div id="ParentTab">          
    <ul class="resp-tabs-list tab_identifier_parent">
        <li> .... </li>
        <li> .... </li>
        <li> .... </li>

    <div class="resp-tabs-container tab_identifier_parent">                                                     
              <div id="ChildTab">          
                <ul class="resp-tabs-list tab_identifier_child">
                   <li> .... </li>
                   <li> .... </li>
                   <li> .... </li>

                <div class="resp-tabs-container tab_identifier_child">                                                                     <div> ....... </div>
                   <div> ....... </div>
                   <div> ....... </div>
        <div> ....... </div>
        <div> ....... </div>

4. And finally, initialize the plugin in jQuery document ready function (with default options).


Advance Configuration Options for Vertical Tabs to Accordion

The following are some advance configuration options to customize the working of the plugin.

    type: 'default', //Types: default, vertical, accordion           
    width: 'auto', //auto or any custom width
    fit: true,   // 100% fits in a container
    closed: false, // Close the panels on start, the options 'accordion' and 'tabs' keep them closed in there respective view types
    activate: function() {},  // Callback function, gets called if tab is switched
    tabidentify: 'tab_identifier_child', // The tab groups identifier *This should be a unique name for each tab group and should not be defined in any styling or css file.
    activetab_bg: '#B5AC5F', // background color for active tabs in this group
    inactive_bg: '#E0D78C', // background color for inactive tabs in this group
    active_border_color: '#9C905C', // border color for active tabs heads in this group
    active_content_border_color: '#9C905C' // border color for active tabs contect in this group so that it matches the tab head border

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