This pure CSS code snippet helps you to create an accordion expand collapse animation with plus/minus icons. It uses Font Awesome for icons and CSS transition property for smooth expand/collapse animation.
This accordion list menu is useful to display longer content or FAQs on a webpage. Basically, it comes with a simple and clean design, anyhow you can further style it according to your needs.
How to Create Accordion Expand Collapse Animation CSS
1. First of all, load the Font Awesome CSS for icons by adding the following CDN link into the head tag of your HTML document. The icons CSS is optional, you can skip this step if you don’t want to show plus icon at the end of accordion title.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous">
2. After that, create the HTML structure for the accordion as follows:
<ul class="m-d expand-list"> <li data-md-content="200"> <label name="tab" for="tab1" tabindex="-1" class="tab_lab" role="tab">Product Description</label> <input type="checkbox" checked class="tab" id="tab1" tabindex="0" /> <span class="open-close-icon"> <i class="fas fa-plus"></i> <i class="fas fa-minus"></i> </span> <div class="content"> Welcome to Brackets, a modern open-source code editor that understands web design. It's a lightweight, yet powerful, code editor that blends visual tools into the editor so you get the right amount of help when you want it. </div> </li> <li data-md-content="300"> <label name="tab" for="tab2" tabindex="-1" class="tab_lab" role="tab">Specifications</label> <input type="checkbox" class="tab" id="tab2" tabindex="0" /> <span class="open-close-icon"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span> <div class="content"> <em>Brackets is a different type of editor.</em> Brackets has some unique features like Quick Edit, Live Preview and others that you may not find in other editors. Brackets is written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. That means that most of you using Brackets have the skills necessary to modify and extend the editor. In fact, we use Brackets every day to build Brackets. To learn more about how to use the key features, read on. </div> </li> <li data-md-content="600"> <label name="tab" for="tab3" tabindex="-1" class="tab_lab" role="tab">Shipping & Returns</label> <input type="checkbox" class="tab" id="tab3" tabindex="0" /> <span class="open-close-icon"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></span> <div class="content"> <h3>Projects in Brackets</h3> <p> In order to edit your own code using Brackets, you can just open the folder containing your files. Brackets treats the currently open folder as a "project"; features like Code Hints, Live Preview and Quick Edit only use files within the currently open folder. </p> <samp> Once you're ready to get out of this sample project and edit your own code, you can use the dropdown in the left sidebar to switch folders. Right now, the dropdown says "Getting Started" - that's the folder containing the file you're looking at right now. Click on the dropdown and choose "Open Folder…" to open your own folder. You can also use the dropdown later to switch back to folders you've opened previously, including this sample project. </samp> </div> </li> </ul>
3. Finally, use the following CSS to style and functionalize the accordion:
.m-d.expand-list{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } .m-d.expand-list > li{ list-style-type: none; padding: 15px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #212121; position: relative; /* max-width: 80%; */ } .m-d label[class^="tab"]:hover{ cursor: pointer; } .m-d input{ -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; appearance: none; } .m-d input[class^="tab"]{ width: 100%; height: 40px; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; } .m-d input[class^="tab"]:hover{ cursor: pointer; } .m-d label[class^="tab"]{ font-weight: bold; } .m-d .content{ height: auto; max-height: 0; max-width: 300px; /* background: yellow;*/ overflow: hidden; transform: translateY(20px); transition: all 180ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="100"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 100px; transition: all 150ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="200"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 200px; transition: all 200ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="300"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 300px; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="400"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 400px; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="500"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 500px; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="600"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 600px; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="700"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 700px; transition: all 300ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="800"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 800px; transition: all 300ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="900"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 900px; transition: all 300ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content="1000"] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 1000px; transition: all 350ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d li[data-md-content=""] input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ max-height: 1000px; transition: all 250ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .content{ margin-bottom: 20px; } .m-d .open-close-icon{ display: inline-block; position: absolute; right: 20px; transform: translatey(2px); } .m-d .open-close-icon i{ position: absolute; left: 0; } .m-d .open-close-icon .fa-minus{ transform:rotate(-90deg); transition: transform 150ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .open-close-icon .fa-minus{ transform: rotate(0deg); transition: transform 150ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d .open-close-icon .fa-plus{ opacity: 1; transform:rotate(-90deg); transition: opacity 50ms linear 0ms, transform 150ms ease-in-out 0ms; } .m-d input[class^="tab"]:checked ~ .open-close-icon .fa-plus{ opacity: 0; transform: rotate(0deg); transition: opacity 50ms linear 0ms, transform 150ms ease-in-out 0ms; } *{ line-height: 1.4; font-family: "harmonia sans", roboto, arial; }
That’s all! hopefully, you have successfully created accordion expand collapse animation. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment below.
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I code and create web elements for amazing people around the world. I like work with new people. New people new Experiences.
I truly enjoy what I’m doing, which makes me more passionate about web development and coding. I am always ready to do challenging tasks whether it is about creating a custom CMS from scratch or customizing an existing system.