This code creates an elastic custom cursor in vanilla JavaScript. It follows mouse movements smoothly. It helps enhance user experience on websites.
You can use this code on your website to create a visually appealing and interactive cursor. It adds a unique touch to your site, making it more engaging for visitors. Additionally, it improves user experience by providing smooth and dynamic cursor movements.
How to Create Elastic Custom Cursor in Vanilla JavaScript
1. Start by creating a basic HTML structure. For this tutorial, you only need a single <div>
element with a class of “circle” to represent the cursor.
<div class="circle"></div>
2. Define the appearance and behavior of the cursor using CSS. The provided CSS ensures the cursor is circular and positioned correctly.
* { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body{ min-height: 100lvh; background-color: #050908; } .circle { --circle-size: 40px; position: fixed; height: var(--circle-size); width: var(--circle-size); border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 100%; top: calc(var(--circle-size) / 2 * -1); left: calc(var(--circle-size) / 2 * -1); pointer-events: none; }
3. Now, let’s make the cursor dynamic with JavaScript. This script tracks mouse movements and applies transformations to the cursor for smooth animation.
/** * YouTube Tutorial: * */ console.clear(); // Select the circle element const circleElement = document.querySelector('.circle'); // Create objects to track mouse position and custom cursor position const mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // Track current mouse position const previousMouse = { x: 0, y: 0 } // Store the previous mouse position const circle = { x: 0, y: 0 }; // Track the circle position // Initialize variables to track scaling and rotation let currentScale = 0; // Track current scale value let currentAngle = 0; // Track current angle value // Update mouse position on the 'mousemove' event window.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { mouse.x = e.x; mouse.y = e.y; }); // Smoothing factor for cursor movement speed (0 = smoother, 1 = instant) const speed = 0.17; // Start animation const tick = () => { // MOVE // Calculate circle movement based on mouse position and smoothing circle.x += (mouse.x - circle.x) * speed; circle.y += (mouse.y - circle.y) * speed; // Create a transformation string for cursor translation const translateTransform = `translate(${circle.x}px, ${circle.y}px)`; // SQUEEZE // 1. Calculate the change in mouse position (deltaMouse) const deltaMouseX = mouse.x - previousMouse.x; const deltaMouseY = mouse.y - previousMouse.y; // Update previous mouse position for the next frame previousMouse.x = mouse.x; previousMouse.y = mouse.y; // 2. Calculate mouse velocity using Pythagorean theorem and adjust speed const mouseVelocity = Math.min(Math.sqrt(deltaMouseX**2 + deltaMouseY**2) * 4, 150); // 3. Convert mouse velocity to a value in the range [0, 0.5] const scaleValue = (mouseVelocity / 150) * 0.5; // 4. Smoothly update the current scale currentScale += (scaleValue - currentScale) * speed; // 5. Create a transformation string for scaling const scaleTransform = `scale(${1 + currentScale}, ${1 - currentScale})`; // ROTATE // 1. Calculate the angle using the atan2 function const angle = Math.atan2(deltaMouseY, deltaMouseX) * 180 / Math.PI; // 2. Check for a threshold to reduce shakiness at low mouse velocity if (mouseVelocity > 20) { currentAngle = angle; } // 3. Create a transformation string for rotation const rotateTransform = `rotate(${currentAngle}deg)`; // Apply all transformations to the circle element in a specific order: translate -> rotate -> scale = `${translateTransform} ${rotateTransform} ${scaleTransform}`; // Request the next frame to continue the animation window.requestAnimationFrame(tick); } // Start the animation loop tick();
Finally, integrate the JavaScript code into your HTML file, and you’re ready to go! Feel free to further customize the cursor’s behavior and appearance to suit your website’s design and requirements.
That’s it! You’ve successfully created an elastic custom cursor on your website. Experiment with different properties and add your creative touch to enhance user interaction on your website.
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